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ENA Meeting Notes - Nov 8th 2021

Meeting Notes – November 8, 2021

The Ellendale Neighborhood Association will comply with social distancing practices recommended and required by the City of St. Louis Health Department in response to COVID-19. As a result, this meeting was held in-person, indoors at St. James the Greater school cafeteria (1360 Tamm Ave) and virtually via Facebook Live. The meeting announcement and joining/participating information were provided in advance, consistent with the organization’s bylaws (revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015).

The full meeting broadcast can be viewed on the Ellendale Neighborhood Association group Facebook page:

Meeting opened at 7:05PM

· Welcome & Facebook Live Overview

o Matt Sisul outlined the meeting procedures for the session so that online participants could submit questions via Facebook chat, or by email, or by text.

o Streaming our meetings via Facebook Live remains quite popular and will be continued indefinitely for future meetings.

o This is the last neighborhood association meeting of 2021. Additionally, future meetings - starting in January 2022 - will return to Abbott EMS (2500 Abbott Place).

· Approval of Minutes, September 2021 Meeting

o Hard copies of the September 2021 meeting notes were distributed to those attending the meeting in-person. A weblink to the online document was previously shared on the ENA Facebook page.

o Motion to approve May 2021 notes as formal meeting minutes made by John Yarish and seconded by Neal Gilb. Approved by voice vote.

Community Reports

· Karen Clifford (24th Ward Neighborhood Improvement Specialist)

o Refuse Division pickup is on a holiday schedule the week of November 11 (Veteran’s Day). Trash pickup on Monday (Nov 8) occurred as normal. However, no yard waste pickup on Wednesday (Nov 10) but recycle pickup instead.

§ Upcoming holiday schedules will be similarly affected:

· Week of Thanksgiving (Nov 22-26)

· Week of Christmas (Dec 20-24)

· Week of New Year’s Day (Dec 27-31)

§ Trash/Recycle/Yard Waste holiday pickup schedules are available with other meeting handouts at every ENA meeting.

o Residents can rake leaves to the street, about a foot and a half (18”) from curb for pickup by street cleaning. Or you can bag leaves in brown paper bags and place along home’s tree lawn (between sidewalk & street). Residents can also put in yard waste bin for Wednesday weekly pickup. Last yard waste pickup will be in December (weather dependent). Call/text/email Karen with any leaf pickup issues.

o City alley recycle dumpster pickup expected to resume normal schedule starting sometime in December.

o Addressing reports of derelict/abandoned vehicles on street in the neighborhood.

o Talked about nuisance property violations and when & how to report them. Phone calls to the police about the problem address are the most important & helpful for the City when dealing with problem properties. Documentation necessary for successful resolution of the nuisance/problem property.

o As always, contact Karen directly for any maintenance/service requests to Citizen Service Bureau. Her business cards are also available with other meeting handouts at every ENA meeting.

§ Karen Clifford: 314-489-2078 or

· Alderman Bret Narayan (24th Ward)

o We have a new commander of SLMPD South Patrol: Major Shawn Dace. Hope to have him attend an upcoming neighborhood association for in-person introduction. Captain Christi Marks is still SLMPD captain of Second District.

o Ellendale crime map has only one issue reported: a theft of a watercraft. Most crimes in the neighborhood are those of opportunity, especially during holiday season. Most of the crime in the ward includes stolen catalytic converters, cars broken into, car stolen while pumping gas. Several nearby neighborhoods also participating in the “Lock it or lose it” campaign to remind people to lock their house/garage & car doors every evening. Also important not to leave valuable items on car seats in plain sight.

o The Manhattan at Piccadilly restaurant is expanding their outdoor eating area. Bret provided a letter of support.

§ Question - Where are they expanding?

· Ald. Narayan - Believe it is the gravel parking lot (along Manhattan Ave)

o The lights around the tennis courts at Ellendale/Francis Slay Park need to be replaced. Bret transferred about $50k from Parks capital funding towards that cost.

§ Question - What budget period is the allocation of those funds?

· Ald. Narayan - Fiscal Year 2022

o Will follow up regarding the 45-degree parking and stop sign requested for Canterbury Ave.

o Was made aware of a recent situation on Fern Ave (between Emile St and Arsenal St) where a fire truck was unable to drive down the street because cars parked on both sides of the street blocked the emergency vehicles. Will look into possibly getting parking reserved for only one side of the street.

o Update to City’s panhandling ordinance. Courts have ruled similar laws elsewhere as unconstitutional, and the related lawsuits have cost some county governments sizeable fees in legal fees & awards/settlements. Ald. Jesse Todd has introduced the Board Bill to update the City’s panhandling ordinance. There is also an effort to forward the service calls about aggressive panhandling to 211 rather than to 911.

o Bret introduced board bill legislation to update the City’s medical marijuana ordinances to better reflect the new state statutes. Not something that police need to respond to if determined a constitutional right by the State of Missouri. City revenue & court time/funds do not need to be spent on low-level marijuana possession cases. Protecting one’s employment from drug testing or from marijuana possession charges if one has a medical marijuana license. Hopefully this will also help fill some of the open City employment positions - such as Parks and Forestry Departments. Bret received direct input from the police. Many SLMPD officers are not yet adequately trained on the updates to state laws and some of the nuances of these new laws – such as personal use/growth that is/possibly legal, etc. It has been approximately a decade or so since City laws have been evaluated. At that time, the fines for possession of marijuana were lowered and jailtime eliminate. There are currently 11 co-sponsors. The board bill will need support from 15 aldermen to become an ordinance.

o As always, report potholes and/or streetlight maintenance requests to Citizen Service Bureau.

§ Karen Clifford: 314-489-2078 or

o Question: Where is the City at with redistricting?

§ Ald. Narayan: The method used to create the first draft was considered unconstitutional. Another draft map coming out tomorrow (Nov 9) at 11am at the BOA Legislative Committee meeting. The hearing will be livestreamed on the City of St. Louis You Tube channel

· The City of St. Louis also has a helpful page on its website for information & updates on this process.

o Question: Do we have to wait for the sulfur street lights to go out before replaced with LED bulb?

§ Ald. Narayan: Two years ago he funded replacement of street lights that were considered more of an immediate need for replacement before they actually stopped working. Now, yes the Streets Department will change the sodium bulbs when they retire. If there is a streetlight out anywhere or a specific light to address, let him or Karen Clifford know where it is and can check into getting it replaced.

Guest Speaker

· Mark Robinson, Board of Elections (Democratic Judge Supervisor)

o There will be a City election on April 5, 2022, for the Proposition R ballot initiative (regarding redistricting, elected City official conflicts of interest). Additional updates on this election are upcoming.

o Pay increases for poll workers: Poll worker judges now $225 and poll managers $300.

o New voting machines.

o August 2021 primary and November 2021 general elections are part of the “mid-term” federal and state elections.

o Tonight’s outreach is part of a general media blitz by Board of Elections to get the word out about these updates.

o Call 314-622-3546 or email

o Information on being a poll worker is available online:

o Question: When does redistricting take effect?

§ Ald. Narayan - The first elections that will be affected by redistricting & ward reduction will be those in 2023.

Board & Committee Reports

· Treasurer’s Report (Matt Sisul and Jacqi Kamp, for Joe Nea)

o $1,096.46 starting balance (May 2021)

o $74.00 deposits (member dues)

o $0.00 expenses

o $1,170.46 new balance (November 2021)

· Beautification Committee Report (Jenise Nea)

o No report

· Housing Committee Report (Linda Boyd-Shell)

o No report

New Business

· Miscellaneous

o Matt Sisul shared that while ENA did not have expenses during 2021, there are some anticipated for next year. One item in particular is replacing old meeting reminder yard signs. There were also no social events planned during COVID-19 social distancing restrictions. And a reminder that there were some approved expenses in 2020.

o Reminder about 2021 and 2022 dues. Per ENA bylaws, membership dues received from now until end-of-year will be credited for both 2021 and 2022 members-in-good-standing. Membership applications are available. Online payment options are also available.

§ Annual dues are $6 per person, per household; $3 per person 65+; Business dues are $24

§ Venmo @Joey-Nea; be sure to specify “ENA dues” in transaction notes

o ENA meetings will return to Abbott EMS (2500 Abbott Place) starting with our January 10, 2022 meeting. They require facemasks worn at all times while inside their facility.

o Block Captains/Neighborhood Ownership Model

§ Reach out to Matt Sisul to find out who your block captain is and/or if willing to serve as one.

o 24th Ward Community Directories (Clifton Heights/Clayton-Tamm, Ellendale/Franz Park/Hi-Pointe/Cheltenham neighborhoods) are available for pickup. Contact Matthew Sisul (314-606-3427 or for delivery.

Motion to adjourn made by Neal Gilb and seconded by John Yarish. Approved by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned approximately 8PM


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