Monday, Jan 13th at 7 p.m.
In-person and Virtual
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Abbott EMS
2500 Abbott Pl
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FUTURE MEETINGS: March 10, 2025
Citizens’ Service Bureau . 314-622-4800
Police (non-emergency) . 314- 231-1212
Brightside St. Louis . . . . . 314-772-4646
City Services Information
By Property Address
Property Assessment
Trash Pickup
Yard Waste
Information on this page has been reused with permission.
Source: Good Neighbor Guide, The Responsibilities of City and Citizens
Making St. Louis a better place to live, originally published August 2011 from the Office of Francis G. Slay, Mayor.
Updates and external links have been added for convenience.

The Good Neighbor Guide was published to help identify the responsibilities of both St. Louis City government and its residents. The guide provides a basic summary of services provided by the City and its expectations of City residents. It also includes a list of helpful phone numbers to contact various departments and locally elected officials. To obtain the most current and comprehensive information, please visit the City website at
Services are divided into five catergories:
Sidewalks, Streets, Vehicles
The City:
Cleans streets monthly.
Repairs potholes and cave-ins.
Maintains traffic and street signage.
Plows primary snow routes.
Maintains street lights (alley lights: contact at 1-800-552-7583).
Issues permits for street closures (e.g. special events, block parties, etc.).
Plants and maintains trees in tree lawn area (between street and sidewalk).
Repairs sidewalks damaged by a city tree.
The Citizen:
Keeps streets and sidewalks in front of home and alley behind home clear of trash, litter, overgrowth, and debris.
Keeps sidewalk clear of snow/ice and in good repair (call CSB to sign up for 50/50 Sidewalk Repair Program).
Keep tree lawn cut.
Does not post notices or signs in tree lawn, on city streets, or on city property.
Only holds garage sales in garage, backyard, or basement (limit 2 per year).
Follows parking regulations.
Does not use city streets to repair vehicles.
Reports derelict vehicles to CSB.
Does not use city streets for advertising merchandise.
May apply for a residential disabled parking space.
Reports water main breaks or open fire hydrants to CSB.
Trash & Recycling, Illegal Dumping
The City:
Provides residential properties with alley containers for solid waste, yard waste and recycling.
Issues roll-carts to areas without alley access.
Offers education programs about residential recycling to schools, youth groups, and neighborhood groups (call CSB to request more information).
Containers are for residential use only. The City will cite ANY commercial property found using residential containers.
Offers monthly collection of bulky (large furniture, etc.) and B.O.A.T. (Batteries, Oil, Appliances, Tires) items.
Collects solid waste, yard waste and recyclables once a week.
Prosecutes illegal dumping: $100 reward to citizens who witness dumping and assist the City in getting a conviction.
The Citizen:
Covered by your solid waste services fee ($11/month/unit), collected quarterly on your water bill.
Alley containers: Place trash in proper container DO NOT overfill.
Roll-carts: Roll to street on assigned days no later than 5:30a.m. Roll back to yard no later than 11 :00 p.m. and store so that it is NOT visible from the street.
Places bulky/BOAT items out ONLY on the Sunday evening before the scheduled collection week; items will be collected ONLY during the week scheduled.
Alley containers: Place up to 3 Bulky/BOAT items in the alley behind your property line but NOT within 3 feet of a dumpster.
Roll-carts: Place up to 3 Bulky/BOAT items at the curb in front of your property line.
Follow collection schedules for your address.
May haul large items to the City dump: ONLY one pickup truck load allowed per month at 41 00 South 1st St. or 201 Humboldt Ave. (Driver's license and most recent paid city water/trash bill required).
Buildings, Private Property
The City:
Inspects private property (commercial and residential) to ensure compliance with building and health codes
Certifies demolition contractors and approves all building demolitions (call Building Division to learn more)
May demolish buildings that are public safety hazard as funds are available (owner billed for cost)
Cuts grass of private property if owner fails to do so after receiving notice from the city (owner billed for cost)
Land Reutilization Authority (LRA) hold abandoned, tax-delinquent properties not purchased at the Sheriff's Sale and works with SLDC to find developers for the property
Prosecutes properties used to perpetuate illegal/nuisance activities under Public Nuisance Ordinance.(Contact the Neighborhood Stabitization Team to learn more.)
The Citizen:
Maintains property in good condition and up to city code. (i.e. roof and windows in good repair, address numbers properly displayed on front and rear of property, no peeling paint, no open storage of materials outdoors, no graffiti, no spilled garbage, etc.)
Obtains building permits before conducting any new construction, alterations, or major repairs, including plumbing and electric work. (Contact the Building Division to learn more).
Obtains Certificate of Inspection from Building Division prior to renting or leasing a unit or selling residential property.
Keeps trees on property trimmed and healthy.
Keeps grass cut and no higher than 7 inches.
Landlords and tenants both have responsibilities in the upkeep of rental property. (Contact the Neighborhood Stabilization Team to request a Landlord-Tenant handbook)
Helps keep block strong by organizing a block unit.
Reports any suspected building or health code violations to CSB.
Public Health, Human Services
The City:
Requires pets be vaccinated and registered with the City
Apprehends stray dogs, investigates animal bites or attacks
Responds to reports of bats in a living space
Treats reported areas for rats or mosquitos
Works with animal rescue groups to provide spay/neuter services and find homes for unwanted animals
Inspects swimming pools, massage parlors, tattoo parlors, food establishments, day care centers, and nursing homes to ensure they meet City Health codes
Partners with federally qualified health centers to provide health care to citizens in need.
Offers services for Senior Citizens through the St. Louis Area Agency on Aging. (Contact SLAAA to learn more.)
The Citizen:
May not have more than 4 pets at any premises
Must keep pets on a proper leash when outdoors
Must remove any feces left by pet on public or private property
Must keep yard clean of pet feces
Reports sighting of rats or breeding mosquitos to CSB
Reports suspicion of any health code violations at a local establishment to CSB
The City:
Maintains 108 City Parks, which include playgrounds, fountains, tennis, handball and horseshoe courts, baseball, softball, soccer, and rugby fields. Visit the City website for a complete list of parks and the facilities available at each.
Oversees operation of 8 recreation centers and 2 rec complexes.