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The lines of communication take many forms today. Organized neighborhood blocks with Block Captains are just one way to stay connected to our community.


While every resident is encouraged to contact the Citizens’ Service Bureau (CSB) for short-term reporting, long-term community plans and goals usually follow a different route starting with Block Captains.


If you are interested in being a Block Captain or connecting with your block’s current Block Captain, please use the Contact Form at the bottom of this page.



Block Captains Roles and Responsibilities

  • Be a liaison between your block and the ENA and the NIS

    • Received communication from block residents

    • Attend bi-monthly ENA meetings

    • Deliver communication to block residents

  • Meet 2 times per year with other Block Captains to share ideas and concerns and to brainstorm solutions to present at ENA meetings

  • Be a lead resident in organizing/developing block-level improvements and gatherings

  • Encourage participation in neighborhood events.

  • Welcome new residents to your block and subsequently, the neighborhood

  • Be part of the Ellendale phone tree — collect/maintain block residents’ phone numbers and other contact information


Block Captains are NOT expected to be an authority in any criminal situation, act as law enforcement, nor authorized or encouraged to become physically involved in a crime in progress.



Ellendale Blocks

The ENA has sub-divided Ellendale into five geographic zones. Within each zone, blocks will be designated based on streets, other geographic markers, and suggestions from Block Captain volunteers.


Zone 1 — Near Knox Avenue

Includes Knox Industrial Drive, Knox Avenue, Wilson Ave, Clifton Avenue, Famous Avenue, Eveline Street, and Amanda Street.


Zone 2 — North of Southwest Avenue

Includes Ecoff Avenue, Balson Avenue, Noonan Avenue, Abbott Place, Magnolia Avenue, north side of Southwest Avenue and both side east of Lowry, Lowry Avenue, Hewitt Avenue, Lanham Avenue, and Limit Avenue.


Zone 3 — South of Southwest Avenue and East of McCausland Avenue

Includes South side of Southwest Avenue west of McCausland, Queen Avenue, Hermitage Avenue, Odell Street off of McCausland, Ivanhoe Avenue east of I-44, McCune Avenue, Marmaduke Avenue, Odell Street off of Ivanhoe, Hoffman Avenue, Hudler Street, Arsenal Street east of I-44, Jamieson Avenue north of I-44, Smiley Avenue, Scanlan Avenue, and Frico Avenue.


Zone 4 — Ellendale Avenue North of Canterbury Avenue
Includes Ellendale Avenue north of Canterbury, Ellendale Place, Rabenberg Place, Emilie Street, Fern Street, and Arsenal Street west of McCausland.


Zone 5 — South of Canterbury Avenue
Includes Canterbury Avenue to City limit, Tremont Avenue, Esplanade Street, Tennyson Square, Byron Place, Oxford Avenue to City limit, Commonwealth Avenue to City limit, Leamington Avenue, Piccadilly Avenue to City limit, Manhattan Avenue to City limit, St. James Square, Wellington Court to City limit, and Ellendale Avenue south of Canterbury.




Contact Your Block Captain

If your block currently does not have a Block Captain, consider volunteering for the role yourself. Currently, your question/comment/concern will be directed to the ENA President who will address your communications and forward it to your Block Captain (if the role if filled). 


Success! Message received.



Citizens’ Service Bureau . . . . . 622-4800


Police (non-emergency) . . . . . . 231-1212


Brightside St. Louis . . . . . . . . . 772-4646








Brightside St. Louis:
the region's oldest and most comprehensive not-for-profit cleaning and greening initiative.


Mayor’s Office Sustainable Neighborhood Initiative:
An initiative to inspire, empower, and position neighborhood groups and residents to make sustainability changes in their own community.


Sustainable Neighborhood Toolkit
Ideas, examples, and how-to instructions for creating an exciting and innovative sustainability project
in your neighborhood.

(or download PDF here)


© 2017 by the Ellendale Neighborhood Association. Proudly created with

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