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ENA Meeting Minutes - Sept 13th, 2021

The Ellendale Neighborhood Association will comply with social distancing practices recommended and required by the City of St. Louis Health Department in response to COVID-19. As a result, this meeting was held in-person, outdoors at Ellendale/Slay Park and virtually via Facebook Live. The meeting announcement and joining/participating information were provided in advance, consistent with the organization’s bylaws (revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015).

The full meeting broadcast can be viewed on the Ellendale Neighborhood Association group Facebook page:

Meeting opened at 7:04PM

· Welcome & Facebook Live Overview

o Matt Sisul outlined the meeting procedures for the session so that online participants could submit questions via Facebook chat, or by email, or by text.

o Streaming our meetings via Facebook Live remains quite popular and will be continued indefinitely for future meetings.

· Approval of Minutes, May 2021 Meeting

o Hard copies of the May 2021 meeting notes were distributed to those attending the meeting in-person. A weblink to the online document was previously shared on the ENA Facebook page.

o Matt Sisul added a note that because there was not a quorum in July, we were not able to approve any members of the Beautification Committee. This action will be postponed until a later meeting.

o Motion to approve May 2021 notes as formal meeting minutes made by John Yarish and seconded by Linda Boyd-Shell. Approved by voice vote.

· Because there was not a quorum of ENA members present for the July 2021 meeting, there will be no formal minutes submitted for membership review/approval.

Community Reports

· Karen Clifford (24th Ward Neighborhood Improvement Specialist)

o Forestry has completed cutting back the overgrowth around the track at Ellendale/Slay Park. She will follow up with them to make sure the cuttings - including down tree branches - are removed.

o Talked about nuisance property violations and when & how to report them. Phone calls to the police about the problems to address are the most important & helpful for the City when dealing with problem properties.

o Refuse Division is not currently collecting alley recycle dumpsters until they are full. There is no weekly pickup for these due to staff & truck shortages. Roll-out carts not currently affected. However, all trash & recycle is being combined. City is working on a permanent solution to the situation.

o Karen has handouts from Refuse Division to share. She also has holiday pickup schedules for anyone who wants.

o National Neighborhood Night Out is Tuesday, October 5th.

o As always, contact Karen directly for any maintenance/service requests to Citizen Service Bureau.

§ Karen Clifford: 314-489-2078 or

· Alderman Bret Narayan (24th Ward)

o The City is working on its next budget cycle (FY2022). The City lost a lot of revenue in the last 18-months because of COVID-19 and many business closures. With businesses now reopening, the City’s financial condition looks a lot better. Projections look even better than Bret would have anticipated.

o Bret has secured $150k in ward street repairs. While that is not enough to address all needs, he does also hope that the infrastructure bill currently before the Board of Aldermen will get passed so there will be more funding available for more street repairs, especially paving needs.

o Refuse Division routes are fully funded in the 24th Ward. The goal is to have trash & recycle services operating as normal by December 2021. The City is offering drop-off recycling points for citizens in the meantime.

§ There are two drop-off locations in the 24th Ward: Engine House #22 (1229 McCausland); Streets Department (1900 Hampton)

o The 50/50 Sidewalk Program is fully funded in the 24th Ward. However, because of some staffing shortages, requests are running a year or two to complete. This does not affect sidewalk repair or replacement needed due to buckling from street trees.

o Forestry ward budget is fully funded. Includes replacement of approximately 150 street trees removed because of old age or other issue.

o Board Bill #2: $130M COVID-19 relief bill for residents & small business owners was passed during a special session of the Board of Aldermen.

o Forest Park Nature Playscape is now open. Located near the World’s Fair Pavilion. Approximately the size of seventeen football fields. Activities in nine distinct areas for children of all ages & abilities.

o Improvements to the Oakland Avenue playground (near Turtle Park) should be completed sometime this fall.

o Budgeted just over $57k to redo the lighting at Ellendale/Slay Park.

o Has been working with Forestry and Spire to cut back the overgrowth around the track at Ellendale/Slay Park.

o Veterans Community Project (50-unit “tiny-homes” development on North Grand) recently broke ground. Will help veterans in-need from becoming homeless.

o As always, report potholes and/or streetlight maintenance requests to Citizen Service Bureau.

§ Karen Clifford: 314-489-2078 or

o Reiterated that phone calls to the police about the problem address are the most important & helpful for the City when dealing with problem properties.

o Question: When does the current aldermanic session end?

§ Ald. Narayan: The Board of Aldermen meets year-round. There is a legislative break in the summer. That just resumed in September. There will be another legislative break in the winter. The deadline for board bills this session will be sometime around February 2022.

§ Matt Sisul: ENA has requested a stop sign and lighted signal for the crosswalk on Canterbury Ave. The housing committee will also forward Ald. Narayan a draft plan for 45-degree angled parking that was discussed during planning for the Wilkinson School Loft Apartments.

Board & Committee Reports

· Treasurer’s Report (Joe Nea)

o No report

· Beautification Committee Report (Jenise Nea)

o No report

· Housing Committee Report (Linda Boyd-Shell)

o Open House for Wilkinson School Loft Apartments on Friday, September 17th, 1PM-5PM. One display unit will be available to see.

New Business

· Executive Board Officer Elections

o End of term: President, Vice President, Secretary

o Vacancy: Communications Officer

§ Floor was open for nominations:

· President - Matt Sisul

· Vice President - Jacqi Kamp

· Secretary - Sue Moody

· Communications Officer - Torrie Dahmen

§ Motion to close nominations made by John Yarish and seconded by Linda Boyd-Shell. Approved by voice vote.

§ Motion to approve nominations by acclimation made by Matt Sisul and seconded by Linda Boyd-Shell. Approved by voice vote.

· Miscellaneous

o Matt Sisul and Sarah Dalton (Clifton Heights) were appointed by Ald. Bret Narayan to serve on the Citizens Advisory Committee for the City’s Capital Budget Committee. Reviewing department proposals for capital budget requests. Matt and Sarah are meeting with other neighborhood associations to provide recommendations consistent with the needs and wants of the 24th Ward. Matt welcomes any feedback or recommendations from any ENA residents or businesses.

o Lock-It-Or-Leave-It campaign is active in our neighborhood and in a few nearby neighborhoods. It is an active reminder to lock car doors in the evening. Also helpful to remember to not leave valuables in plain sight.

o Reminder about 2021 and 2022 dues. Per ENA bylaws, membership dues received from now until end-of-year will be credited for both 2021 and 2022 members-in-good-standing. Membership applications are available. Online payment options are also available.

§ Annual dues are $6 per person, per household; $3 per person 65+; Business dues are $24

§ Venmo @Joey-Nea; be sure to specify “ENA dues” in transaction notes

o Block Captains/Neighborhood Ownership Model

§ Reach out to Matt Sisul to find out who your block captain is and/or if willing to serve as one.

o 24th Ward Community Directories (Clifton Heights/Clayton-Tamm, Ellendale/Franz Park/Hi-Pointe/Cheltenham neighborhoods) are available for pickup. Contact Matthew Sisul (314-606-3427 or for delivery.

Motion to adjourn made by John Yarish and seconded by Linda Boyd-Shell. Approved by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned approximately 8PM


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