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ENA Meeting Notes - May 8th, 2023

Meeting Notes – May 8th, 2023

The Ellendale Neighborhood Association held its general meeting at Abbott EMS (2500 Abbott Place). The meeting announcement and joining/participating information were provided in advance, consistent with the organization’s bylaws (revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015). Additionally, the meeting was livestreamed & recorded via Facebook Live.

The full meeting broadcast can be viewed on the Ellendale Neighborhood Association group Facebook page:

Meeting opened at 7:08PM

· Welcome & Facebook Live Overview

o Matt Sisul outlined the meeting procedures for the session so that online participants could submit questions via Facebook chat, or by email, or by text.

o Streaming our meetings via Facebook Live remains quite popular and will be continued indefinitely for future meetings.

· Approval of Minutes, March 2023 Meeting

o Hard copies of the March 2023 meeting notes were distributed to those attending the meeting in-person. A weblink to the online document was previously shared on the ENA Facebook page.

o Motion to approve March 2023 meeting notes as formal meeting minutes made by John Yarish and seconded by Steve Gibson. Approved by voice vote.

· Community Reports

o Alderman Bret Narayan (4th Ward)

§ With redistricting & his recent re-election to office, Ald. Narayan now represents the Ellendale neighborhood for the City’s new 4th Ward.

§ Ald. Narayan’s aldermanic committee assignments are: Legislation; Red Tape; Transportation and Commerce; and Public Safety Committee.

· The Red Tape aldermanic committee was created to review existing City ordinances, in preparation for the Charter Commission that was just approved by voters. Will also review City policies & procedures for responsibilities such as liquor license review (Excise Division), a subject which has been in the news recently.

§ Aldermen are working on new regulations for short-term rentals (Airbnb, VRBO, and similar) and excise legislative reforms for Excise Division.

§ Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner recently resigned. Governor Mike Parson will appoint her replacement. That effort is already underway.

§ Requests for service (such as street lights out, potholes, etc.) can be made directly to Ald. Narayan, or to Brian Kolde (NIS, Ellendale), or through social media channels.

· “24th Ward Citizen Services” on Facebook

· Handouts outlining what to report & the CSB process are brought to every meeting.

§ Question: Does the Water Division plan to raise our rates? And did the City receive any federal infrastructure aid that can be used to fund that department?

· Ald. Narayan: City residents pay very low water rates, when compared to other areas including Saint Louis County. Most City residents also do not have their water usage metered. It has been a very long time since the City raised its water rates. Federal funding takes a while before it can be used for “shovel-ready” projects. But federal funds allocated last year will hopefully be available soon.

§ Question: What is the status of the crosswalk and angled parking requested for Canterbury Avenue?

· Ald. Narayan: He will followup on that pending legislation.

§ Question: Are there any updates regarding the QuikTrip acquisitions of properties around Arsenal St and Jamieson Ave?

· Ald. Narayan: QuikTrip has purchase the US Ring Binder building and some residential homes on both Jamieson Ave and Smiley Ave. But he has not heard anything from them yet regarding their plans for the site. He explained that if QuikTrip wants to build a new gas station at this site, they would be required to obtain a zoning variance. He suggested that they might just be land-banking to prevent any other gas station being located at this intersection.

o Matt Sisul commented that even if QuikTrip plans to land-bank the site, if the property becomes vacant or otherwise a nuisance, it would still be appropriate for the Ellendale Neighborhood Association to get involved.

§ Matt Sisul thanked Ald. Narayan for his kind words for the 4th Ward neighborhood associations at the inauguration & opening session of the Board of Aldermen.

o Officer Robert Skaggs (SLMPD, 2nd District)

§ Crime in the district is down 25% compared to last year.

§ 6800 Balsam: April 26 officer-involved shooting (not in Ellendale neighborhood)

o Brian Kolde (CSB, Ellendale neighborhood) – not present

· Board Reports

§ Treasurer’s Report (Joe Nea)

· Balance as of 03/13/2023: $889.70

· Deposits: $0.00

· Expenses: $0.00

· Balance as of 05/08/2023: $889.70

· Annual dues are $6 per person, per household; $3 per person 65+; Business dues are $24. The ENA Executive Board does keep track of members-in-good-standing whose dues are current.

o Venmo @Joey-Nea; be sure to specify “ENA dues” in transaction notes

§ Housing Committee Report (John Yarish)

· No report

§ Beautification Committee Report (Matthew Sisul, for Jenise Nea)

· Matt Sisul provided a handout that outlined some of the projects the ENA Beautification Committee has been working on:

o Ellendale Neighborhood Pollinator Garden

§ Weeding and watering

o Annual Trash Cleanup Program

§ Great Rivers Greenway Trail; Ellendale/Slay Park

§ Southwest Ave; McCausland Ave; Ellendale Ave; Wellington Ave

· The ENA Beautification Committee is also pursuing partnerships & grant programs to assist future efforts.

o Adopt-A-Stop (METRO Transit Authority)

§ New trash cans and benches for bus stops on Southwest Ave (both eastbound and westbound directions)

o Adopt-A-Greenway (Great Rivers Greenway)

§ Pilot program that Ellendale Neighborhood Association has been invited to participate

o 7021 Southwest Avenue (Land Reutilization Authority)

§ $1/year lease for purposes of creating & maintaining a community garden

§ Neighbors Naturescaping Grant (Brightside St. Louis)

o Southwest Avenue Art Mural

§ Neighborhood Transformation Grant (Community Development Administration)

· ARPA funding. Designed to help communities disproportionately affected by COVID. Ellendale is not located in any of the priority areas, so the chance is very low that we would be selected for funding.

§ Operating, Program, and Artist Support grants (Regional Arts Commission)

· New Business

o St. Louis Association of Community Organizations membership ($100/year)

· Matt Sisul made the motion for ENA dues to be used for rejoining SLACO as a neighborhood partner. Steve Gibson seconded the motion. Approved by voice vote.

o Andrew & Sarah Schafer donated the first year’s membership fee.

· Miscellaneous

o Kimberly Hanvy has organized a Neighborhood Blitz for the area around Knox Industrial (Adeline St, Eveline St, Famous Ave, Wilson Ave) starting at 9AM on Saturday, May 20th to pickup trash. This event is also sponsored by Brightside St. Louis, which gave the community free flowers for residents to plant in their tree lawns (the ground between the sidewalk and the street curb).

o ENA Beautification Committee would like to request a hydrant key and reducer for maintenance of the Ellendale Neighborhood Pollinator Garden. Ald. Narayan will followup.

o For those residents whose addresses were included on the City’s FEMA buyout application that was due on April 1st, you should contact Sarah Russell (Commissioner, City of St. Louis Emergency Management Agency) for updates.

§ MSD is buying the remaining homes on Odell Street. That process has already completed for at least one property.

Motion to adjourn made by John Yarish and seconded by Lynn Hartke. Approved by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 7:54PM


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