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ENA Meeting Notes - March 13, 2023

Meeting Notes – March 13th, 2023

The Ellendale Neighborhood Association held its general meeting at Abbott EMS (2500 Abbott Place). The meeting announcement and joining/participating information were provided in advance, consistent with the organization’s bylaws (revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015). Additionally, the meeting was livestreamed & recorded via Facebook Live.

The full meeting broadcast can be viewed on the Ellendale Neighborhood Association group Facebook page:

Meeting opened at 7:04PM

· Welcome & Facebook Live Overview

o Matt Sisul outlined the meeting procedures for the session so that online participants could submit questions via Facebook chat, or by email, or by text.

o Streaming our meetings via Facebook Live remains quite popular and will be continued indefinitely for future meetings.

· Approval of Minutes, January 2023 Meeting

o Hard copies of the January 2023 meeting notes were distributed to those attending the meeting in-person. A weblink to the online document was previously shared on the ENA Facebook page.

o Motion to approve January 2023 meeting notes as formal meeting minutes made by Maria Gray and seconded by Steve Gibson. Approved by voice vote.

· Community Reports

o Alderman Bret Narayan (24th Ward)

§ Sarah Russell (Commissioner, City of St. Louis Emergency Management Agency) was present. They will be in the neighborhood (around McCausland Ave, Hermitage Ave, and Queent St) on Saturday, March 18th, to collect missing information needed for the City’s FEMA buyout grant application (due April 1st) from anyone still interested in participating in the process. Ald. Narayan will still serve as the Ellendale community liaison to City Hall during this process. Anyone with questions or still needing assistance is welcome to reach out to Ald. Narayan directly.

§ Manchester Avenue between Hampton & Dale will be closed to through traffic during the Dogtown St. Patrick’s Day parade on Friday, March 17th. Detours and street barricades will be up.

§ The Board of Aldermen is currently on legislative break until after the April general election.

§ Last week, Mayor Jones signed into law two bills that Ald. Narayan sponsored:

· Updated plumbing code (revised previous code that occasionally conflicted with other Building Division codes; had not been updated in approximately 15 years)

· Lead Abatement bill (gives the City access to $700 Million HUD assistance to remediate lead hazards in the community)

o This, along with federal infrastructure aid, benefits the City greatly.

o Buildings built before 1978 have risk of lead hazards. 8 out of 10 children in the City have measureable lead in their blood. 6% of children in the City have “elevated” amounts (considered “lead-poisoned”). Once abated, the lead hazard should be abated forever, reducing the risk for future generations.

o The focus of this lead abatement will be large, institutional buildings (rather than privately owned, smaller residences).

o The bill also closes a loophole that previously allowed companies performing lead-abatement work to also conduct their own lead hazard testing (which carries risk of underreporting).

§ Ald. Narayan noted that Brian Minges (Advantes Group) developed the former Wilkinson School building in Ellendale for rental housing. He & his team were great to work with, doing their lead abatement work correctly.

§ April 4th General Election

· Aldermanic race (new 4th Ward, due to redistricting).

· Proposition C (authorization to form a charter commission).

o Ald. Narayan supports this ballot initiative. Opportunity to evaluate the City’s Charter looking for recommended amendments (first time the City would do this in over 100 years). City voters would still have the final decision regarding any changes.

§ Ald. Narayan would like to see a charter commission evaluate the current role of the Director of Personnel and their discretion over hiring, while the City faces routine staffing shortages in many City departments.

o If passed, a commission made up of 9 members would be formed. They would debate & consider proposed changes, putting those to voters every ten years.

· Proposed 3% tax on recreational marijuana

o Question: Would the tax money go into general revenue, or to a specific use/program?

§ Ald. Narayan: Yes, the tax revenue would go to general revenue. The City’s budget is set by the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen. There is not a set plan yet for how those funds would be allocated.

· SLPS School Board candidates are also on the ballot (two available seats).

§ Requests for service (such as street lights out, potholes, etc.) can be made directly to Ald. Narayan, or to Brian Kolde (NIS, Ellendale), or through social media channels.

· “24th Ward Citizen Services” on Facebook

· Handouts outlining what to report & the CSB process are brought to every meeting.

o Officer Robert Skaggs (2nd District) – not present

§ Matt Sisul relayed that SLMPD staff are on overtime this week, due to various St. Patrick’s Day events in the City. No crime statistics available for report.

§ Matt Sisul did share information the news reported regarding the recent fatal shooting on the 7100-block of Piccadilly Ave. It was a domestic issue, not a random act of violence. A woman in her mid-40s was killed, and the assailant later committed suicide not far away.

· Ald. Narayan added that he visited the block the following day to meet with residents. He has also discussed with police, and they are pretty certain of circumstances. Neighborhood security cameras helped identify the individual, who was later found the with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. There is no known existing threat to the community.

o Brian Kolde (NIS, Ellendale neighborhood)

§ Provided an overview of the role of Neighborhood Improvement Specialist (NIS).

· Citizens Service Bureau is under the Department of Public Safety.

· Brian is currently assigned to seven neighborhoods (including Ellendale, Clifton Heights, and Lindenwood Park).

· CSB tries to be proactive, out in the neighborhood looking for service issues as well as serving as the intake for community service requests.

· Report requests for service can be made in the following ways:

o 314-622-4800, main CSB hotline

o Twitter: @stlcsb

o Brian Kolde: by phone at 314-657-1364 or by email (preferred) at

§ Steering wheel “clubs” are recommended car-theft-deterrents and are available to purchase at either the Collector of Revenue Office (City Hall) or the Five Star Senior Center (2832 Arsenal St, 63118).

§ Regarding the homeless encampment, located at the top of the hill on the westbound I-44 entrance ramp from Hampton Ave: MoDOT is now involved. The homeless there have been issued a 10-day notice to vacate the premises. Both SLMPD and City Department of Health and Human Services will be involved.

· Question: Can we get police to patrol the streets of Knox, Wilson, Eveline, and Adeline?

o Matt Sisul will reach out to Officer Skaggs.

o Ald. Narayan has already reached out to police.

o Brian Kolde has requested that the Building Division board-up an unsecured vacant building in that area immediately.

· Special Guest Speaker

o Sophia Garcia, (Neighborhood Manager, SLDC)

§ Newly assigned to Ellendale, working for St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) for about a month. Assigned to 18 neighborhoods (Southwest section of the City map).

§ SLDC Neighborhood Managers are a community resource for businesses and neighborhood development efforts.

· Question: Is SLDC a resource for both residential and commercial development?

o Sophia Garcia: Yes, and will work with the ENA Housing Committee directly on relevant items

§ SLDC wants to work with neighborhood association on community development plans & strategies.

§ Question: Is there information online about SLDC and its funding programs?

· St. Louis Development Corporation website

· Economic Justice STL

§ Question: Are development funds allocated by ward or by neighborhood? And are the allocated by the alderman?

· Sophia Garcia: SLDC gets its funding from the Community Development Administration (CDA). That agency will determine those allocations.

o Carolyn McMahon (D Committeewoman, 24th Ward) – not present

§ Matt Sisul shared that her online blog has brief bios for SLPS school board candidates.

o Alderman Joe Vaccaro (23rd Ward)

§ Introduced himself. Candidate for alderman of the newly formed 4th Ward.

· He used to represent the Ellendale neighborhood as part of the 23rd Ward, prior to an earlier redistricting.

· Best way to contact him is by his personal cell phone number (314-718-0131) personal cell.

· He will be around after the meeting for any additional questions, comments, or concerns.

o Greg Meyer, for Sadie Weiss (SLPS Board Candidate)

§ Sadie Weiss supports community schools. They make great community centers. Believes that strong schools contribute to strong neighborhoods.

Matthew Sisul: Note that the Ellendale Neighborhood does not endorse any candidate. However, any time a candidate reaches out and wants to introduce themselves, he will welcome them.

· Board Report

§ Treasurer’s Report (Joe Nea)

· Balance as of 01/09/2023: $ 889.70

· Deposits: $ 0.00

· Expenses: $0.00

· Balance as of 03/13/2023: $ 889.70

· Annual dues are $6 per person, per household; $3 per person 65+; Business dues are $24

o Venmo @Joey-Nea; be sure to specify “ENA dues” in transaction notes

§ Housing Committee Report (John Yarish)

· The ENA Housing Committee met to discuss the potential development of a QuikTrip likely to be located near the intersection of Arsenal St & Jamieson Ave. QT has been buying several properties (both commercial and residential) there. Only two single-family homes remain around this intersection that are not currently owned by QT. There was not a clear consensus from the housing committee sufficient to make a recommendation yet to the full Ellendale Neighborhood Association. Request that the alderman continue to keep them informed if QT approaches with any plans for a gas station there. It is our understanding that at a minimum a conditional use variance will need to be obtained before starting construction.

§ Beautification Committee Report (Matt Sisul, for Jenise Nea)

· Tree Planting for Upper Slay Park

o 25 trees were donated by Forest ReLeaf. A community planting is scheduled for Saturday, March 25th, starting at 10AM. Volunteers are needed & welcomed.

o Question: Will these trees be planted in addition to all the new trees recently planted there?

§ Matt Sisul: Yes, some trees were ordered by arborists from Forestry. Some were placed here, but most were planted along the Great Rivers Greenway trail. ENA coordinated this planting with Allen Jankowski (City of St. Louis Forestry) as mentioned in earlier ENA meetings.

o Barry Marquardt is organizing this planting event. Please sign up so we know how many volunteers are expected to show up. RSVP to:

§ Maria Gray is hosting spring cleanups at the Ellendale Pollinator Garden, located at Ellendale Avenue, adjacent to the stairs down to Southwest Avenue. Mondays after 2:00PM and Tuesdays after 1:00PM. John Yarish donated a soaker hose for the garden maintenance.

· Requested that ENA apply for a key & hydrant reducer for this season’s use.

§ City Refuse Division yard waste pickup resumes on Wednesday, March 15th.

· New Business

o The neighborhood associations of the new 4th Ward (Cheltenham, Clayton-Tamm, Clifton Heights, Ellendale, Franz Park, Hi-Pointe, Lindenwood Park) are hosting a candidate forum for the two aldermanic candidates on the April 4th general election ballot: Ald. Joe Vaccaro (23rd Ward) and Ald. Bret Narayan (24th Ward). This event will be held on Wednesday, March 22nd at 7:00PM at Epiphany Gym (3164 Ivanhoe Ave, 63139).

o Sarah Russell (Commissioner, City of St. Louis Emergency Management Agency)

§ Deadline for the City’s FEMA buyout grant application is April 1st. coming closer. They plan to be in the neighborhood this weekend with document forms needing signatures. Need everyone’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policy numbers for those participating. Still trying to reach out and contact homeowners on the City’s buyout list. The City will also be mailing information detailing the next steps in this process.

· Miscellaneous

o Steve Cavin (Clifton Heights Neighborhood Association)

§ CHNA annual Easter Egg hunt will be held on Saturday, April 8th, starting at 1:00PM, in Clifton Heights Park. It is the longest-running Easter Egg hunt in the City. Ellendale youth are welcome to attend.

o Comment: The new lighting for Slay Park is wonderful.

o ENA Meeting Announcement yard signs are available. Anyone who needs theirs replaced or who would like to get their first one please contact Matt Sisul (314-606-3427 or

o Block Captains/Neighborhood Ownership Model

§ Reach out to Matt Sisul to find out who your block captain is and/or if willing to serve as one.

o Community Directories (Clifton Heights/Clayton-Tamm, Ellendale/Franz Park/Hi-Pointe/Cheltenham neighborhoods) are available for pickup. Contact Matt Sisul (314-606-3427 or for delivery.

o The next ENA meetings will be Monday, May 8th at Abbott EMS (2500 Abbott Place).

Motion to adjourn made by John Yarish and seconded by Maria Gray. Approved by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05PM


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