ENA Meeting Notes - July 10th, 2023
Meeting Notes – July 10th, 2023
The Ellendale Neighborhood Association held its general meeting at Abbott EMS (2500 Abbott Place). The meeting announcement and joining/participating information were provided in advance, consistent with the organization’s bylaws (revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015). Additionally, the meeting was livestreamed & recorded via Facebook Live.
The full meeting broadcast can be viewed on the Ellendale Neighborhood Association group Facebook page:
Meeting opened at 7:05PM
· Welcome & Facebook Live Overview
o Matt Sisul outlined the meeting procedures for the session so that online participants could submit questions via Facebook chat, or by email, or by text.
o Streaming our meetings via Facebook Live remains quite popular and will be continued indefinitely for future meetings.
· Approval of Minutes, May 2023 Meeting
o Hard copies of the May 2023 meeting notes were distributed to those attending the meeting in-person. A weblink to the online document was previously shared on the ENA Facebook page.
o Motion to approve May 2023 meeting notes as formal meeting minutes made by Steve Gibson and seconded by Maria Gray. Approved by voice vote.
· Community Reports
o Alderman Bret Narayan (24th Ward)
§ The stop sign previously requested for Canterbury Ave, located at the top of the hill near the intersection with Tremont Ave, has been submitted to Mayor Jones for her signature. The plan for 45-degree-angled parking in front of the Wilkinson School Lofts is still pending review & approval by the Streets Department. Some of the delay resulted from miscommunication with the Treasurer’s Office, who is the office that usually handles angled-parking.
§ Cara Spencer sponsored Board Bill #29, to prohibit the open-carry of guns in the City. The legislation has advanced out of committee and should be considered for perfection by Friday, July 14th. Goal is to pass before the Board of Aldermen recess for the summer.
§ Board Bill #82 has been proposed, which would require a police officer to give a business-card-like identifier when interacting with people.
§ Board Bills #33 and #34 both involved regulations of short-term rentals. Public comments are welcomed.
§ In a recent meeting with Chief Tracy, Bret discussed several issues: traffic, speeding, illegal dumping, etc. There is some discussion about reverting back to 9-district system (SLMPD currently uses a 6-district system). Looking for ways to encourage recruitment for new officers & retention for current officers serving. Approximately 25-percent of the current police force is eligible for retirement.
§ The flaws of the City’s 911 system were recently highlighted with tragedy during last set of storms. Bret has been working with Local 73 (Fire & EMS Dispatch) and the Police Officers Association for improvements, including recent pay raises. The call center is very outdated and needs upgrades. When the Board of Aldermen returns to session after the summer break, they will be holding joint-meetings with Public Safety and Budget committees.
· Question: One resident asked if the City’s 911 system really received over 1,000 calls during the recent storm.
o Ald. Narayan: To his knowledge, yes. It’s possible that some of the calls received were reporting the same issue. But it is very clear that the 911 call center received more calls than they could assist during that storm.
· Question: Same resident asked about a news video of kids running around downtown along Tucker Street shooting fireworks during the 4th of July holiday.
o Ald. Narayan: Yes, he saw the video. The police department usually gets many calls about individuals shooting fireworks in the City during these holidays.
§ Service Request: Neighbors are reporting many cars broken-into and/or vandalized on the 2700-block of Hermitage Avenue. One car stolen. Residents request regular police patrols for the area.
· Ald. Narayan: That is one of the items he discussed with Chief Tracy, to get more regular & routine patrols throughout the SLMPD 2nd District.
§ Service Request: Homeless encampment located on Hermitage Avenue, adjacent to River des Peres. Some allegedly have broken into vacant houses on Odell Street.
· Ald. Narayan: He will followup with the police department and with the City’s homeless services director.
§ Service Request: 2754 Hermitage construction debris pile in the backyard is attracting rodents. Residents request that the Building Division inspect. The address may have an open building permit.
· Ald. Narayan: He will followup with the Building Division.
§ Service Request: The gravel lot located at the end of Hermitage Avenue adjacent to River des Peres has recently been a site for illegal dumping (mattresses, kids toys, bicycles, furniture, etc.)
· Ald. Narayan: He will followup with the Building Division and with Refuse Division.
§ Service Request: Thanked Ald. Narayan for getting the damaged “No Parking” signs for Hermitage Avenue replaced. Residents request enforcement of the no parking restrictions. Also need the missing “No Parking” sign replaced on Hermitage Avenue closest to Southwest Avenue, so that cars can safely turn without visual impediments such as parked cars.
· Ald. Narayan: He will followup with the Streets Department.
§ Question: Resident asked for clarification about the City’s 911 system. Was surprised to hear that emergency calls for Saint Louis County are directed to St. Louis City when call volume necessitates, and vice versa.
· Ald. Narayan: The overflow system has long been established. But there remains a need for more people answering phones and new tech pieces. Dispatchers use a triage-method for quick response to any life-threatening situations.
· Matt Sisul: Both the City and County emergency call centers collaborate via a long-standing reciprocity agreement with one another.
§ Question: The State of Missouri is considering legislation giving property tax relief to senior citizens. Would the City consider passing anything similar?
· Ald. Narayan: He has proposed a board bill. It will be subject to review by the Budget Committee.
§ Question: Is there any form of public education for calling 911? There are many who call the number for non-emergencies.
· Ald. Narayan: He will followup with the Public Safety director.
§ Could the City use its mounted police for emergency use?
· Ald. Narayan: He has asked Chief Tracy about this. While the SLMPD is understaffed, it is difficult to get qualified equestrian officers.
§ Service Request: The public property behind Odell Street and up the hill towards Arsenal Street has high grass/weeds and needs cutting. Don’t know whether owned by Ameren or MSD or other.
· Ald. Narayan: He will followup with Forestry.
· Matt Sisul: Will followup with Ald. Narayan and Brian Kolde with property addresses.
§ Service Request: Grass is high in the backyard of a property on Queen Street.
· Ald. Narayan: He will followup with Forestry.
· Matt Sisul: Will followup with Ald. Narayan and Brian Kolde with property addresses.
§ Service Request: Grass is high on both sides of 6900-block of Magnolia, at intersection with McCausland. One parcel is privately owned. The other parcel is owned by the railroad. Cars turning onto McCausland can’t see oncoming traffic.
· Ald. Narayan: He will followup with Forestry.
· Matt Sisul: He will followup with Ald. Narayan and Brian Kolde with property addresses.
o Officer Robert Skaggs (2nd District) – not present
§ Matt Sisul: He has been working with Officer Skaggs about the various locations throughout the neighborhood that have homeless encampments. Also working with Brian Kolde on these issues. Matt will continue to followup with the police on requesting routine patrols in the Ellendale neighborhood.
o Brian Kolde (Citizens Service Bureau)
§ He prefers to receive requests for service by phone. However, there are many ways to reach CSB:
o 314-622-4800, main CSB hotline
o Twitter: @stlcsb
o Brian Kolde: by phone at 314-657-1364 or by email (preferred) at KoldeB@stlouis-mo.gov
§ He has been assisting with the City’s response to homeless encampments in the neighborhood. MoDOT agreed to allow the City to remove the camp at the westbound entrance ramp to I-44 from Hampton. They needed to authorize the police to proceed for trespassing on state property. Some of that group migrated to different areas of Southwest Avene. Brian has been working with the City’s homeless services and the police about the new locations, especially those areas of Southwest Avenue where public sidewalks are blocked and where aggressive panhandling is occurring.
· Unfortunately, per his experience, homeless activity tends to concentrate around railroads, River des Peres, vacant buildings, and highways. The Ellendale neighborhood has all of these.
· Many of these individuals have been offered assistance: including temporary housing. Unfortunately, several have declined the help.
§ Sometimes the Building Division needs to make determination regarding the potential deceased people with questionable heirs to the now-vacant homes. There are many circumstances that may lead to a problem property when no one knows who moves in. Ellendale is located in a Housing Conservation District, meaning that property owners need to obtain occupancy permits before anyone moves in. Properties without water service should be condemned, so Brian will follow up with the Building Division about those reported addresses. (It is not illegal or condemnable for a home to be without electric service.)
§ While it’s good that people are contacting CSB for service requests, it is also very important for people to call the police for illegal activity in order for the City to build a problem property case against the property owner. In an effort not to overwhelm the 911 call center, these calls should be made to the SLMPD non-emergency number (314_231-1212).
· Dave Krapf, Lou Naes are the problem properties officers serving the SLMPD District 2 area. They also coordinate with the City Counselors Office. Contact South Patrol (District 1 & 2) directly at 314-444-0100.
· Question: Does CSB collect information on problem properties or does the police?
o Brian Kolde: SLMPD does the intake for these call, including coding the issue. That is forwarded to CSB, including Brian.
§ Some people are trying to help some of the homeless by letting them sleep in backyards or under porches. He does still encourage everyone to call CSB to report the homeless, so the City can conduct a site visit & wellness check. He also encourages everyone to be careful about trying to be nice. It could lead to a potential problem later. He recommends not inviting them onto private property, as these individuals tend to keep returning to places where they believe they are getting something of benefit.
§ Regarding reports about noise, fights, gunfire, fireworks – the new commander for District 2 is Lt. Dan Zerrick (a former community outreach officer). He recommends caution and that neighbors be discreet when reporting individuals vandalizing cars or other private property and instead call police. Assume that individuals are carrying a weapon. Don’t be visible, and don’t confront. Call the police.
· Question: Can the police run out-of-state license plates? She believes some of these cars are stolen.
o Brian Kolde: Citizens Service Bureau cannot. He will followup with Officer Skaggs.
· Board Reports
§ Treasurer’s Report (Joe Nea)
· Balance as of 05/08/2023: $ 889.70
· Deposits: $205.00 dues & donations
· Expenses: $100.00 SLACO membership
· Balance as of 07/10/2023: $ 994.70
· Annual dues are $6 per person, per household; $3 per person 65+; Business dues are $24
o Venmo @Joey-Nea; be sure to specify “ENA dues” in transaction notes
§ Housing Committee Report (John Yarish)
· No report.
§ Beautification Committee Report (Kimberly Hanvy)
· Matt Sisul & Jacqi Kamp received a resignation notice from Jenise Nea as chairperson. Per ENA bylaws and resolution creating the standing committee, Matt Sisul has appointed Kimberly Hanvy as new chairperson.
· Neighborhood trash cleanup completed in the area of Knox Ave; Eveline St; Famous Ave; Wilson Ave (Zone 1). Supported by Ackerman Toyota on Hampton Ave.
· Kimberly is interested in pursuing a grant application with Brightside St. Louis for additional community gardens in Ellendale.
o Matt Sisul thanked Ald. Bret Narayan for his assistance in getting a fire hydrant key & reducer from the Water Division for use in watering the Ellendale Pollinator Garden (located on Ellendale Ave, adjacent to the stairs at Southwest Ave).
· Beautification Committee is organizing a trash cleanup for Upper Slay Park on Saturday, July 15th, between 9AM-12PM. Volunteers are needed & welcome.
o Matt Sisul thanked Aaron Dohogne of the Lindenwood Neighborhood, who volunteered his time to assist with watering the newly planted trees in Upper Slay Park.
· Volunteers are also welcome to assist with litter cleanups around I-44 at Southwest Ave. Anyone interested can reach out to Kimberly directly.
o Kimberly will work on a volunteer schedule for those interested in helping with garden maintenance & trash cleanups in the neighborhood.
· Beautification Committee recommends membership approval of draft agreement for Adopt-A-Stop program (partnership with METRO Transit Authority).
o Matt Sisul provided hard copies of this draft agreement to those in attendance.
· Beautification Committee recommends membership approval of draft agreement for Adopt-A-Greenway (partnership with Great Rivers Greenway).
o Matt Sisul provided hard copies of this draft agreement to those in attendance.
· New Business
o Motion to authorize the Ellendale Neighborhood Association to sign/execute the draft Adopt-A-Stop 1-year agreement made by Matt Sisul and seconded by Andrew Schafer. Approved by voice vote.
§ Question: Who is responsible for picking up the bags after trash is collected?
· Matt Sisul: The ENA Beautificaion Committee and other cleanup volunteers will be responsible for removing the bags of trash after a cleanup. However, we have received email support from Landscape St. Louis (Ellendale businesses, located at 2601 McCausland) that they will also assist.
o Motion to authorize the Ellendale Neighborhood Association to sign/execute the draft 6-month Adopt-A-Greenway agreement made by Matt Sisul and seconded by Andrew Schafer. Approved by voice vote.
o September ENA meeting is election for executive board positions. President, Vice President, and Secretary are one-year terms. Treasurer and Communications Officer are two-year terms. All five positions are up for renewal in 2023. Anyone interested in running for one of these positions – or in shadowing one of the roles – please reach out to Matt Sisul or anyone else with the executive board.
§ In order to vote for the ENA Officer elections in September, members must be in-good-standing (dues current).
· Miscellaneous
o Matt Sisul thanks Randy from 7-11 at Southwest Avenue for providing the meeting’s refreshments.
o Matt Sisul also shared the sad news about the recent passing of two, long-time Ellendale residents and neighborhood association supporters: Charlie White (Ellendale Ave) and Don Bonnell (Hermitage Ave). He asked that we keep their families in their prayers.
Motion to adjourn made by Jim Puleo and seconded by Andrew Schafer. Approved by voice vote.
Meeting adjourned at 8:29PM