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Minutes: September Meeting:

Ellendale Neighborhood Association

Meeting Notes – September 14, 2020

The Ellendale Neighborhood Association will comply with social distancing practices recommended and required by the City of St. Louis Health Department in response to COVID-19. As a result, this meeting was held in-person, outdoors at Slay (Ellendale) Park and virtually via Facebook Live. The meeting announcement and joining/participating information were provided in advance, consistent with the organization’s bylaws (revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015).

The full meeting broadcast can be viewed on the Ellendale Neighborhood Association group Facebook page:

Meeting opened at approximately 7PM.

Matthew Sisul outlined the meeting procedures for the session so that online participants could submit questions via either Facebook chat or by text.

Hard copies of March 2020 and July 2020 meeting notes were distributed to those attending the meeting in-person. A weblink to both documents was shared on the ENA Facebook page.

Motion to approve both March 2020 and July 2020 notes as formal meeting minutes made by Maria Gray and seconded by Lesley Wilson. Approved by voice vote.

Community Reports

Alderman Bret Narayan (24th Ward)

The Board of Aldermen have not been in session while on mid-session break. Due to COVID-19, all meetings, including those of subcommittees, have been occurring online.

Airport privatization – both the ballot initiative and a proposed board bill do not appear to be moving any further. The Board of Aldermen are unlikely to be addressing or considering again. The reports possibly have read from consultants being paid.

November 3rd is Election Day. If you can vote early or in-person, please do. Note the difference between “absentee” and “mail-in” ballots.

Question: When can a completed ballot be dropped off to the Board of Elections?

Carolyn McMahon (24th Ward Committeewoman): If voting “absentee,” you can return your ballot to the Board of Elections in-person. If participating in “mail-in voting,” your ballot must be sent by US Mail. See your ballot instructions you received. Remember that a “mail-in” ballot must be received by end of day election day.

Question: How long is the wait after someone submits a request for mail-in ballot?

Carolyn McMahon: Missouri begins mailing ballots to those who requested them starting on September 22nd.

The Board of Aldermen returns to session on September 17th. One of the items currently being debated is whether or not to put the issue of ward reduction back to the voters. Voters decided on this previously in 2012 to reduce the number of wards (and thus the number of aldermen) from 28 to 14 after the 2020 census concludes. Bret supports putting the measure back to the voters, not necessarily as a vote against ward reduction, but as a way to move other legislation through the full board.

Roads and alleys are in poor shape. City strapped financially due to sales tax revenue down (COVID-19, no sports games, etc.), so Bret is looking at alternative solutions. The result is that repaving roads will probably be the first priority. Also, some other improvement projects will likely be delayed. He is talking to and working with Streets and Parks Departments to address service requests in the 24th Ward.

Question: When is the dispensary opening into old Taco Bell building (6660 Manchester Ave)?

Bret Narayan: The licensing department is the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services. Probably waiting on the state at this point. No Conditional Use Permit is likely needed, due to the current zoning of this and surrounding parcels. After construction is completed, the owner then requests a commencement inspection from the State of Missouri. A certification to proceed can then be given to licensee.

Question: What is going on at the former Wilkinson School building?

Matthew Sisul: The former St. Louis Public Schools building was sold to an experienced developer (Advantes Group) to rehab for market-rate apartments. The development team previously met with the Housing Committee and presented at a neighborhood association meeting. The developer closed on their financing in April 2020, and construction began over the summer. Additional project information, including renderings, can be found on the Advantes Group website:

Question: Since the completion of the Great Rivers Greenway River des Peres Extension, Tremont Avenue is now closed at Ellendale Ave/McCausland Ave. There used to be a stop sign at the top of the hill on Canterbury Avenue. Now speeding has become an increasing problem. Can we get a new stop sign installed?

Bret Narayan: A stop sign is definitely an option. Some residents have mentioned installing speed bumps, but the City will not install these anymore without first completing a detailed traffic study. The cost is also approximately $8k-$10k, so stop sign is the preferred approach. Residents have also requested additional police patrol to ticket speeding cars.

Question, Jacqi Kamp: How long is the process to get a stop sign installed?

Bret Narayan: He would have to draft a piece of legislation, file it with the Board of Aldermen at a full board meeting, it then goes to streets committee for approval, then referred to second and third readings. The legislative process can take about 4-5 weeks, and then maybe another 4-5 more weeks for Streets Department to complete.

Question, Matthew Sisul: The neighborhood association has requested a stop sign with flashing lights for the crosswalk on Canterbury Avenue, at approximately Tremont Avenue. Can we begin the process for this?

Question: Who is responsible for cutting the grass along the greenway?

Forestry Department is understaffed, so multiple entities responsible. The City has also been subcontracting the work in high-need areas.

Karen Clifford has pictures and will copy Brett on the email she sends to Forestry tomorrow.

Question: Can we cleanup the overgrown vegetation in the park, particularly around the jogging path?

Forestry Department is understaffed, so multiple entities responsible. The City has also been subcontracting the work in high-need areas.

Matthew Sisul: The neighborhood association has organized many trash cleanups and a few vegetation removal cleanups. We can do more with more volunteers. Looking to organize a Beautification Committee. Please see/discuss with him if interested in participating.

Question: What is the reason for ward reduction?

Bret Narayan: One of the arguments for putting it on the ballot again for voters to decide is that many people believe the reasons were unclear in 2012. But since the voters decided once already, the legislation must clear both the Board of Aldermen and the mayor still to put the issue on a future ballot.

Matthew Sisul: Weighing the pros & cons…the City has a population of approximately 300,000 citizens. Other cities of similar size do not have as many wards as St. Louis City. The number of wards increased as the City’s population increased, but then did not reduce as its population declined. Ward capital improvements (for items like street and/or alley repaving, for example) are allocated on a ward-by-ward basis. If there are fewer wards, it will be difficult to satisfy capital improvement needs without also increasing each ward’s budget. This is a census year, which occurs every 10 years. Redistricting occurs every 10 years based on Census results. Affects all political boundaries, including state and federal districts.

Question: There have been a lot of recent accidents at McCausland and Arsenal intersection, involving vehicles crashing into resident’s fences. Can the City install concrete barriers to help protect homeowners’ properties?

Bret Narayan: He will discuss with Streets Department and look for suitable options as soon as possible.

Karen Clifford (24th Ward Neighborhood Improvement Specialist)

The Citizens Service Bureau is the City’s main intake for service requests. The alderman, neighborhood association, or any residents can report problems needing attention by phone (314-489-2078, direct cell) or email ( More than happy to get involved if there’s an issue with any department responsiveness.

Karen is working with Refuse Division, following up on areas where bulk pickup was missed.

Karen relays information about the City’s 50/50 Sidewalk Program to homeowners with buckled sidewalks. Bret Narayan has been very supportive of this program, and it has been pretty successful in the 24th Ward.

Karen took pictures of the overfilled trash containers and vegetation overgrowth along the jogging track. She will followup with Forestry for park maintenance needs.

Also focusing on unlicensed car repair businesses in the neighborhood. Working on getting derelict/abandoned vehicles off the streets. She has been collecting VIN numbers and license plate info and sending letters to registered owners. Making sure vehicle owners are made aware of the nuisances.

There was a special thank you to Karen from an Ellendale resident for her help with her pet and her problem.

Citizens Service Bureau has new format for the “reasons and when to call.” Karen has been responsible for both 23rd and 24th ward service requests. Matthew Sisul relayed appreciation on behalf of the neighborhood association.

Special Guest - Carolyn McMahon, 24th Ward Committeewoman

Important dates to remember:

September 22 – Missouri will start sending out ballots. Absentee voting opens up. Can vote absentee in-person on Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM.

October 7 – Voter registration deadline

October 12 through November 2 – City is opening up satellite election sites. Voters will only be able to vote on the Touchscreen Machines at these locations. 11AM-5PM on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. 1PM- 7PM on Wednesday and Thursday. Here are the site locations:

Buder Library- 4401 Hampton Ave., 63109

Central Library- 1301 Olive St., 63103

Julia Davis Library- 4415 Natural Bridge Ave., 63115

Schlafly Library- 225 N. Euclid Ave., 63108

“Mail-in” ballots must be notarized. Carolyn is organizing free Ballot Notary events each Sunday in October from 1PM-3PM in Franz Park. There will also be sample ballots for those that want to see issues before election.

Voter Registration

November Election Updates: Voter Rights

Board Report

Treasurer’s Report (Joe Nea)

$889.46 Starting balance (March 2020)

$136.00 dues collected

$1,025.46 new balance (September 2020)

Motion to accept Treasurer’s report made by John Yarish, and seconded by Jim Puleo. Motion passed by voice vote.

Housing Committee Report (Linda Boyd-Shell)

Developer withdrew proposal to build apartments on Lanham Avenue residential parcel. Vacant lot is still listed for sale.

Wilkinson School Apartments development underway. Advantes Group relocating its offices to their development underway at Laclede’s Landing. So they will no longer be moving into Ellendale as they mentioned in their previous neighborhood meetings. Also, because they are not moving their offices on-site, they are not going to build the accessory garage structure anymore.

7101 Ellendale Place – The house was rehabbed and listed for $249K but the owner mentioned at an open house that the vacant lot behind it is separate and for sale. The property is zoned “A – Single Family.” The parcel is an irregular-sized parcel, in an L-shape. It has not yet been officially subdivided. The housing committee will research. If the division of lots creates a parcel less than the minimum square footage for a buildable lot, there is an appeal process that the community can provide input.

Question: 3118 Ellendale Avenue (at Tremont Ave intersection) the house is overgrown.

Karen Clifford will submit service request.

Executive Board, Officer Elections

President, Vice President, Secretary board positions expire. These each 1-year terms.

Motion made by Maria Gray to nominate current officers to continue to serve in their respective roles: Matthew Sisul for President; Jacqi Kamp for Vie President; Sue Moody for Secretary; and to close nominations; and to approve election of all by acclimation. Motion seconded by Linda Boyd-Shell. No discussion. Approved by voice vote.

New Business

Matthew Sisul: Community Directories are available for pickup. These directories are for all neighborhoods of the 24th Ward.

Matthew Sisul: ENA membership applications can be picked up. Dues payments received November or later apply to both current and following year, per by-laws.

Question: Can the next outdoor Ellendale Neighborhood Association meeting be held on the tennis courts, under the lights?

Matthew Sisul: We wanted to be closer to the lights this meeting, but there were tennis players on the courts. Also need to be mindful of colder weather for scheduled November and January meetings.

Motion to adjourn made by Maria Gray and seconded by Linda Boyd-Shell. Approved by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned approximately 8:15PM


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