ENA Meeting Notes - March 14th, 2022
Meeting Notes – March 14, 2022
The Ellendale Neighborhood Association held its general meeting at Abbott EMS (2500 Abbott Place). The meeting announcement and joining/participating information were provided in advance, consistent with the organization’s bylaws (revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015). Additionally, the meeting was livestreamed & recorded via Facebook Live.
The full meeting broadcast can be viewed on the Ellendale Neighborhood Association group Facebook page:
Meeting opened at 7:00PM
· Welcome & Facebook Live Overview
o Matt Sisul outlined the meeting procedures for the session so that online participants could submit questions via Facebook chat, or by email, or by text.
o Streaming our meetings via Facebook Live remains quite popular and will be continued indefinitely for future meetings.
· Approval of Minutes, January 2022 Meeting
o Hard copies of the January 2022 meeting notes were distributed to those attending the meeting in-person. A weblink to the online document was previously shared on the ENA Facebook page.
o Motion to approve January 2022 notes as formal meeting minutes made by John Yarish and seconded by Barry Marquart. Approved by voice vote.
· Community Reports
o Alderman Bret Narayan (24th Ward)
§ Not anticipating that Ellendale would be affected by any of the St. Patrick’s Day parade/celebrations in Dogtown (more predominantly in Clayton-Tamm, Franz Park, Cheltenham neighborhoods).
§ No changes to normal trash/recycle pickup schedules the week of St. Patrick’s Day. Although recommending residents place out roll-carts early.
§ City has ended its mask-mandate. However, businesses are still allowed to require the wearing of masks to enter their building/space.
§ Fields Foods will be opening their grocery store in the first floor of the Hibernia Apartments (6300-block of Clayton Ave) in late-March/early-April.
§ City Street Dept crews have started working to repair potholes in the area. Some streets, such as Clayton Avenue, are scheduled for full repaving this spring. If you see a pothole that hasn’t been addressed, you can report to either Bret or to Karen Clifford (Citizens Service Bureau).
· Question: If you don’t report a pothole to the City and it does damage to your car, is it true that the City is not responsible for your repairs?
o Bret: In such an instance, there is a way to get compensation from the City if a pothole has been reported and the City has not made the repair within 72 hours. Recommend reporting all potholes to the City when they are discovered.
o Matt Sisul: Since there are more potholes than the City may be aware of, it is recommended that all potholes be reported to the Citizens Service Bureau so that a work order for their repairs can be prepared. Include location of the pothole (address preferred, if available). Reporting available in the following ways:
§ 314-622-4800, main CSB hotline
§ Post to the ENA Facebook page (Karen Clifford follows & will see it)
§ Twitter: @stlcsb
§ Karen Clifford: 314-489-2078 or CliffordK@stlouis-mo.gov
§ If you know of any street lights out, you can report to either Bret or to Karen Clifford (Citizens Service Bureau).
§ Board of Alderman is currently on a legislative break. Approaching the end of the legislative session (final meeting in April).
§ $2.5 million allocated to police overtime & to the Realtime Crime Center.
§ “Academy Bill” - Ald. Narayan & Ald. Bosley worked on to improve officer retention. If a police officer leaves SLMPD before service of at least 48-months they now have to repay a pro-rated portion of their training back to the City.
§ Anticipating a ballot initiative in August for voters to authorize increasing the fine for illegal dumping from $500 to $1,000. This is the maximum fine a municipality is allowed by Missouri state statute.
· Part of the Realtime Crime Center work is to assist with Environmental Investigation Unit, which handles reports of illegal dumping.
· Special Guest, Carolyn McMahon (24th Ward Committeewoman)
o Provided copies of a sample ballot for the upcoming April 5th Election. Polls open 6AM-7PM on election day. Polling locations have not changed.
§ Proposition R: Result of an initiative position. Mainly involves transparency at the Board of Alderman, pertaining to requiring improved conflicts-of-interest disclosures. Also includes requiring redistricting maps to be created by a third-party, to be effective following the 2030 US Census.
· ShowMeIntegrity.org
§ Proposition 1: Authorize the City to issue $50 million bond for capital improvements. Anticipated no tax increase to City taxpayers.
§ Sample Ballot: (www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/board-election-commissioners/documents/upload/Apr2022-Sample-Ballot.pdf)
§ Carolyn’s online blog (www.cmc24w.com) for more information on each of the ballot initiatives.
o Board of Elections is still looking for election judge poll workers. More information on the BOE website (www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/board-election-commissioners/poll-worker.cfm)
· Board Report
o Treasurer’s Report (Matt Sisul, for Joe Nea)
§ Beginning balance (January 2022): $1,191.46
§ Deposits: $60.00 (member dues)
§ Expenses: $0
§ Ending balance (March 2022): $1,251.46
o Housing Committee Report (Linda Boyd-Shell)
§ No report
o Beautification Committee (Matt Sisul, for Jenise Nea)
§ Dates & locations for upcoming Ellendale Neighborhood trash cleanups will be announced soon. Look for updates on ENA email list, website, and social media.
§ Clifton Heights Neighborhood Association is planning a cleanup of the railroad overpass at Southwest Ave & I-44. This serves as the dividing line between our neighborhood and theirs. We have been invited to assist/participate. More information (including date & time) will be available after their meeting on March 28th. Will announce details on ENA email list, website, and social media.
§ The committee is still looking for volunteers to help plan an art project on the retaining wall along the south side of Southwest Avenue, just west of McCausland. Anyone interested can reach out to Matt Sisul (314-606-3427).
· Miscellaneous
o 2022 Membership Dues.
§ Per ENA bylaws, membership dues must be current in order to be considered a member-in-good-standing (includes association voting privileges, meeting actions). Membership applications are available. Online payment options are also available.
§ Annual dues are $6 per person, per household; $3 per person 65+; Business dues are $24
· Venmo @Joey-Nea; be sure to specify “ENA dues” in transaction notes
o ENA Meeting Announcement yard signs: plan to request member approval of expenditure for purchase of replacement yard signs at May meeting. Anyone who needs theirs replaced or who would like to get their first one please contact Matt Sisul (314-606-3427 or m_sisul@yahoo.com) so we can get a good count for the order.
o Block Captains/Neighborhood Ownership Model
§ Reach out to Matt Sisul to find out who your block captain is and/or if willing to serve as one.
o 24th Ward Community Directories (Clifton Heights/Clayton-Tamm, Ellendale/Franz Park/Hi-Pointe/Cheltenham neighborhoods) are available for pickup. Contact Matthew Sisul (314-606-3427 or m_sisul@yahoo.com) for delivery.
o The next ENA meetings will be Monday, May 9th at Abbott EMS (2500 Abbott Place).
Motion to adjourn made by Linda Boyd-Shell and seconded by John Yarish. Approved by voice vote.
Meeting adjourned at 7:22PM