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ENA Meeting Notes - March 11th 2024

Meeting Notes – March 11th, 2024


The Ellendale Neighborhood Association held its general meeting at Abbott EMS (2500 Abbott Place).  The meeting announcement and joining/participating information were provided in advance, consistent with the organization’s bylaws (revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015).  Additionally, the meeting was livestreamed & recorded via Facebook Live. 


The full meeting broadcast can be viewed on the Ellendale Neighborhood Association group Facebook page:



Meeting opened at 7:04PM


·       Welcome & Facebook Live Overview


o   Matt Sisul outlined the meeting procedures for the session so that online participants could submit questions via Facebook chat, or by email, or by text.

o   Streaming our meetings via Facebook Live remains quite popular and will be continued indefinitely for future meetings.

o   Matt Sisul shared the following courtesy rules for those attending the meeting in-person:

§  Limit questions to one per person until others have a chance to speak;

§  If reporting service requests, please provide the address;

·       If you do not have the address, please discuss with Matt Sisul after the meeting so that he can assist;

§  No side conversations during the meeting, please step outside the room for any such discussions.


·       Approval of Minutes, January 2024 Meeting


o   Hard copies of the January 2024 meeting notes were distributed to those attending the meeting in-person.  Meeting notes are available on the ENA website.  Notices are posted to social media channels & to the ENA email list serv.

o   Motion to approve January 2024 meeting notes as formal meeting minutes made by Maria Gray and seconded by Steve Gibson.  Approved by voice vote.

·       Community Reports


o   Alderman Bret Narayan (4th Ward)

§  Legislation for a stop sign in front of the Wilkinson School Apartments at the location of the crosswalk was passed.  Should be installed this spring.

§  Manchester Avenue between McCausland Ave & Hampton Ave will be closed to all traffic on Sunday, March 17th between 10AM-2PM for the Dogtown St. Patrick’s Day parade.

§  QuikTrip recently reached out about the parcels they acquired around the intersection of Arsenal St & Jamieson Ave (including the US Ring Binder building and several residential homes on Jamieson Ave and Smiley Ave).  He has referred QuikTrip representatives to meet with the neighborhood associations of Ellendale, Clifton Heights, and Lindenwood Park for their input & comments.

§  Board Bill #173: Ward Capital funding recently passed and was signed by the Mayor.  Ald. Narayan advocated for a plan that retained funding for capital improvement projects previously allocated by prior aldermen under the 28-Ward City districting map for the new 14-Ward City redistricting.  Pending projects (such as street/alley repaving) have been on hold until this new legislation passed.

§  Drone Surveillance Bill: Ald. Narayan worked with Ald. Alisha Sonnier and other members of the Board of Aldermen on this bill to limit mass surveillance of citizens.  Complex legislation involving First Amendment rights of personal privacy; FAA airspace traffic control; City Counselor’s Office.  Board Bill resulted from a proposal from SMS Novel private company to conduct aerial surveillance in the City.  Was not supported or approved by the SLMPD either.

·       Question: A few years ago there was a company from Baltimore that was proposing aerial surveillance of the City using airplanes.  Where does that proposal stand?  Is this the same company now proposing aerial surveillance using drones?

o   Ald. Narayan: No, this is a different company.  There is no effort underway to approve either type of aerial surveillance.

§  Board Bill #60: Updating the Excise Division code to make it easier for restaurants to sell alcohol.  Ald. Narayan was bill sponsor.  Perfected on Friday, March 8th.  Expected to be third-read and finally passed on March 29th.  Culmination of a lot of work with 24 different neighborhood groups to balance a desire for some to have more density in their business districts with those that don’t want more bars or nightclubs in their business districts.  City residents are a lot of these owners of restaurants & bar businesses.  Also these Excise taxes generate a lot of revenue for the City.

§  Property Tax Freeze for Senior Citizens: Legislation proposed by Ald. Anne Schweitzer; co-sponsored by Ald. Narayan and others.  City residents aged 62 and older with at least 40 Social Security credits (using language that the State of Missouri allows the City to use) and your primary residence in the City assesses for under $500,000 then you can apply on the Assessor’s website for a freeze on your City portion of your real estate taxes.  This application must be filed by June 30th each year.  Designed to help City residents age-in-place while combating external factors such as inflation.

·       Question: Why is it a requirement to apply every year?

o   Ald. Narayan: That was one of the parameters set by the State of Missouri legislation governing the local authorities.  Also to regularly verify eligibility (such as property used for primary residence, etc.).

·       Question: Can individuals apply now?

o   Ald. Narayan: The website went live on March 1st. So applications can now be submitted for property taxes due December 31, 2024.

·       Question: Is it true that you have to be 62 before September 2024 in order to apply?  So anyone who turns 62 in October/November/December cannot apply until the following year?

o   Ald. Narayan: He is not completely sure.  The eligibility requirements are listed on the Assessor’s Office website.

·       Question: Do both homeowners have to be 62 in order to apply?

o   Ald. Narayan: No, as long as an individual qualifies and is living in the home as their primary residence then the City portion of the real estate taxes are eligible for this freeze.

§  Question: Have you heard anything about the Circle K gas station located at Southwest Ave & McCausland Ave selling?

·       Ald. Narayan: He has not heard.  He is not always notified when businesses sell to new owners.  He can check with permitting.  If the new business owner want to sell alcohol there, they will be required to follow the Excise Division’s plat & petition process.

§  Service Request: Signage in neighborhood for “Streets Not Through” need to located more visibly.

§  If anyone has any questions relating to any legislation to be considered, please reach out to him at:

·       (314) 622-3287


§  Requests for service (such as street lights out, potholes, etc.) can be made directly to Ald. Narayan, or to Brian Kolde (NIS, Ellendale), or through social media channels.

·       “24th Ward Citizen Services” on Facebook

·       Handouts outlining what to report & the CSB process are brought to every meeting.


o   Officer Jon Amesquita (2nd District)

§  Our new police community liaison since Officer Robert Skaggs’ recent retirement.

§  Crime in the Second District remains pretty minimal. Ellendale’s 7-Day statistics are down 50%.  Year-to-year statistics are the same as this time 2023.  28-Day statistics are up two-thirds; however that is only 10 total incidents versus 6 previously.  Year-to-date is down 10%.  No major incidents; larceny from vehicles and a few burglaries from businesses.

·       If you own a firearm, do not leave in your car.  Per City ordinance, if your firearm is stolen from your car and not located inside a locked box, you will be ticketed.

o   Question: Where must the lockbox be stored when in a vehicle?

§  Officer Amesquita: There are different types & models of lockboxes available for safe firearm storage.  Some can be for trunks, gloveboxes, or underseat.

§  He is working on some reported issues with displaced/unhoused people in the area.  Also continues working with the City about the problem properties that have been reported at previous meetings.

§  Officer Amesquita brought business cards with his contact information on them to share.

·       Question: There were recent reports of multiple shots fired on the 6800-6900 blocks of Magnolia Ave and/or Southwest Ave.  Are there any updates on that/those situations?

o   Officer Amesquita: Is unaware of those reports.  Will look into the matter.

§  Some residents reported hearing the gunshots.  The alley behind Hermitage Ave had police searching with floodlights.  Not a lot of sirens heard after the incident.  A “SkyDot” police stanchion has been located in the area, at the alley behind the 7-11 convenience store, since then.


o   Brian Kolde (Neighborhood Stabilization Team)

§  Yard waste collection resumes this week on March 13th.  There have been problems with people putting trash in alley containers.  Also issues with yard waste being too big to be disposed.  Large limbs need to first be put through a wood chipper.  Small branches should be bundled in 4-foot sections and set out for bulk pickup.  If you put into yard waste container, the City will try to process properly.  Recommended but not required to rake grass clippings to help reduce loads.  Also note that construction lumber is not yard waste.

·       Question: When does mowing for senior citizens start?

o   Matt Sisul:  St. Louis Area Agency on Aging provides a number of services.  They are located at 1520 Market Street Room 4086 and can be reached at (314) 612-5918.  They also have more information available on their website:

o   Matt Sisul: City Seniors Inc. is a nonprofit organization that also provides a variety of services.  They are located at 4705 Ridgewood Avenue and can be reached at (314) 352-0141.  They also have more information available on their website:

·       Question: Does the City still offer free compost?

o   Brian Kolde: The City has a facility in Carondelet Park.

o   Maria Gray: The City also has a location in Forest Park, behind the lower parking lot for the Muny.

§  Derelict vehicles on streets if in view & not operable may be cited.  You can report to CSB and the Streets Department will inspect.  A sticker (sometimes green, sometimes orange) will be marked on the car with a date that afterward the car may be towed.  Scheduling depends on staffing & space on the tow lot.

·       It is no longer the case that cars with a certain number of parking tickets will be towed.  Also, parking fines are issued by the Treasurer’s Office.

§  Brian noticed a white trailer on Odell St unhitched & sitting in the middle of the street with the back door wide open.

·       Question: What is the status of the homes on Odell St?  Are they being purchased by MSD?  Are there plans to vacate the street?

o   Matt Sisul: The homes on Odell St are being acquired by MSD.  The plan is for the parcels to be used as a site for a backflow basin.  To his knowledge, there are no current plans to vacate the street because it will likely be needed to access during construction of facility & afterwards during operations.  Those plans are many years away, but he will share more information when available.  Demolition of these homes are anticipated to begin this spring.

§  Question: Does the City still install boots on cars when it has more than four parking tickets?

·       Officer Amesquita: Parking enforcement is conducted by the Treasurer’s Office.  They do not have a lot of staff to boot cars currently.

§  Service Request: There is a fallen tree located in River des Peres near Hermitage Ave.

§  Service Request: Hermitage Ave needs a street cleaning scheduled.

·       Brian Kolde: That request was put in just today.

§  Question: Is bulk pickup still happening as scheduled?

·       Brian Kolde: Refuse Division is running approximately two weeks behind schedule.  Bulk items still need to be set out on time in order to be picked up.  More information about how to prepare for bulk pickup services including schedules for your home are available online:

§  Service Request: The trash cans in Ellendale/Slay Park are not being collected and are overflowing with garbage.

§  Contact Brian ( about quality-of-life items, such as potholes/tree limbs/street lights out.  Submitting requests by email works best.



·       Guest Speakers


o   Carolyn McMahon (Democratic Committeewoman, 24th Ward)

o   Mary Colombo (Republican Committeewoman, 23rd Ward) – invited; unable to attend

§  NOTE: The Ellendale Neighborhood Association is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization.  It does not endorse any candidates or positions for upcoming elections.  However, the ENA executive board believes it is important that we have an opportunity to meet candidates who reach out to us & also to inform our members about upcoming elections that have the potential to directly impact our community.

§  Upcoming elections: April 2nd (Municipal Election); August 6th (Federal Election Primary); November 5th (State & Federal Elections)

§  Voter registration cards have been mailed.  Ward & Precinct numbers are reversed.  Board of Election Commissioners are aware & will correct upon next mailing.

§  In Missouri, official party affiliation is optional.  You can register on the local level or on the Missouri Secretary of State website (  Voters participating in the August primary can request any ballot desired.

§  Laws have changed regarding the Presidential Preference Primary.  It is now up to the major parties to handle their primaries.  The Republican caucus already occurred and they have chosen their candidate.  The Democratic caucus will be held by mail and by in-person voting on Saturday, March 23rd.

§  There is a special election on Tuesday, April 2nd, for two MSD ballot initiatives.  Proposition W is for whether or not to authorize MSD to issue bonds to help cover costs for waste water improvements.  MSD bills are projected to increase regardless to cover these costs; the amount of the increase is expected to depend on whether or not Prop W passes.  Proposition S is to decide whether voters want MSD Project Clear to address Stormwater infrastructure to remedy region-wide flooding & erosion problems.  Either measures must pass in both City & County in order to be approved.

·       Informational handouts are available to those attending the meeting in-person and will be published to ENA website & social media channels.

§  Per Missouri state statute, each political party may have up to one committeeman and one committeewoman per ward.  Anyone interested in running/serving can reach out with questions.  Presently, only Mary Colombo has filed to serve as Republican committeewoman.  Republican committeeman and both Democratic committeeman & committeewoman positions are vacant.


o   Nick Kimble, Candidate for State Representative (82nd District)

§  Due to term limits, Rep. Donna Baringer is not eligible to serve again.  Nick announced that he is running for her seat.

§  Updates from Jefferson City: initiative petition reform involves different issues that registered voters request to be put on an upcoming election ballot.

o   Laura Barrett

§  Ellendale resident at 7234 Arsenal St.  Selected to participate in this year’s Native Plant & Garden Tour.  Their yard received silver certification and will be open for tours on May 18th between 9AM-4PM expecting about 200 people.  Event registration is $20/person but their yard will be open to Ellendale neighbors for free.



·       Board Reports


o   Treasurer’s Report (Matt Sisul, for Joe Nea)

§  Balance as of 01/08/2024: $1,074.00

§  Deposits: $40.00 (dues paid)

§  Balance as of 01/08/2024: $1,114.00


§  Annual dues are $6 per person, per household; $3 per person 65+; Business dues are $24.  2024 ENA Membership Application forms are available.

·       Venmo @Joey-Nea; be sure to specify “ENA dues” in transaction notes


o   Housing Committee Report (John Yarish)

·       QuikTrip reached out to Ald. Bret Narayan regarding their plans for the parcels they acquired around the intersection of Arsenal St & Jamieson Ave.  The housing committee is working with the other two neighborhood associations of Clifton Heights and Lindenwood Park to meet in-person with QuikTrip representatives to discuss their proposed development there.


o   Beautification Committee Report (Kimberly Hanvy)

§  2024 Trash Cleanup Schedule

·       Saturday, April 13th (9am-11am)

o   Cleanup area: north & south sides of Southwest Avenue, between Limit & McCausland; meet at stairs, intersection of Southwest Ave and Ellendale Ave

·       Saturday, April 20th (9am-11am)

o   Cleanup area: west side of McCausland Avenue, between Southwest & Emilie/Arsenal; meet at intersection of Ellendale Ave and Emilie St

·       Saturday, April 27th (9am-11am)

o   Cleanup area: Slay (Ellendale) Park, including east side of McCausland Avenue; meet at Slay Park parking lot area

·       Saturday, June 1st (9am-11am)

o   Cleanup area: east & west sides of McCausland Avenue, between Canterbury & Manhattan; meet at Slay Park parking lot area

·       Saturday, June 8th (9am-11am)

o   Cleanup area: east & west sides of McCausland Avenue, between Manhattan & Wellington; meet at intersection of Ellendale Ave/Wellington Ave and Wellington Ct)

·       Kimberly Hanvy has also personally adopted the MoDOT ground around the exit ramp at Southwest Ave & I-44.  She will announce additional trash cleanups for that area for any volunteers who want to assist.

§  ENA participated in Great Rivers Greenway “Adopt-A-Greenway” pilot program that ended December 31st.  We have been invited to participate again as a long-term partner.

§  Ellendale is being considered as a location for artist grants by the Regional Arts Commission for murals in the City.

§  Looking for volunteers to help with Ellendale Neighborhood Pollinator Garden maintenance this spring.



·       Miscellaneous


o   There are handouts of the CDA resident survey available for those affected by the flooding & sewer backup events of late-July/early-August 2022 to apply for CDBG-DR assistance.

o   Ellendale Neighborhood Association is again participating in the “Lock-It-Or-Lose-It” campaign conducted by numerous other neighborhood organizations in the City.  It involves a daily reminder at 8PM to make sure to keep valuables out of plain sight when parked & to lock your car doors for the evening.  This effort deters crimes-of-opportunity.

o   Ellendale has a library branch located at 6548 Manchester Ave(“Marketplace Branch”).  St. Louis Public Library offers tax preparation assistance for qualified persons of need.

o   There is an electronics recycling event on April 27th from 8AM-11AM at 1640 S. Kingshighway.  Fees are waived for City residents.

o   Ellendale Neighborhood Association is a participating member of the Saint Louis Association of Community Organizations (SLACO).  They are holding a fundraiser at Immaculate Conception Hall on April 20th.  $200/table and 8 people/table.

o   Please see Torrie Dahmen after the meeting if you would like to be added to the ENA email list serv for future updates & announcements.



Motion to adjourn made by Maria Gray and seconded by John Yarish.  Approved by voice vote.


Meeting adjourned at 8:33PM





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