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ENA Meeting Minutes November 2020

Ellendale Neighborhood Association

Meeting Agenda – November 9, 2020

The Ellendale Neighborhood Association will comply with social distancing practices recommended and required by the City of St. Louis Health Department in response to COVID-19. As a result, this meeting was held in-person, indoors at St. James the Greater school cafeteria (1360 Tamm Ave) and virtually via Facebook Live. The meeting announcement and joining/participating information were provided in advance, consistent with the organization’s bylaws (revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015).

The full meeting broadcast can be viewed on the Ellendale Neighborhood Association group Facebook page:

Meeting opened at approximately 7PM.

Welcome & Facebook Live Overview

Matthew Sisul outlined the meeting procedures for the session so that online participants could submit questions via Facebook chat, or by email, or by text.

We have approval from the St. James the Greater parish to use either their gymnasium or cafeteria - depending upon availability -for our January 2021 and March 2021 meetings.

Streaming our meetings via Facebook Live is quite popular and will be continued indefinitely for future meetings.

Approval of Minutes, September 2020 Meeting

Hard copies of September 2020 meeting notes were distributed to those attending the meeting in-person. A weblink to both documents was shared on the ENA Facebook page.

Motion to approve September 2020 notes as formal meeting minutes made by John Yarish and seconded by Mary Scanlon. Approved by voice vote.

Community Reports

Alderman Bret Narayan (24th Ward)

The Board of Aldermen have been on legislative break since last meeting.

The City’s budget is not looking great for the 2020-21 fiscal year. There are questions about how the current pandemic will affect next year’s budget planning. The City’s master plan for its parks, including maintenance and scheduled improvements, have been affected.

COVID-19 case numbers are spiking, particularly in the 24th Ward. Hospitals are nearing capacity. Continue diligent mask-wearing, washing of hands, social distancing, etc. Of particular concern is the upcoming holiday seasons and desire for large family gatherings in late November and December.

There are new light fixtures appearing in various neighborhoods of the 24th Ward. These are cell tower repeaters being installed by Verizon Wireless. These are state-authorized, so elected members at City Hall have little input. Contact Ald. Narayan with any questions, but citizens are also encouraged to contact their state senator and state representative with concerns about expanding this authorization to other wireless provider networks.

Question: What does a repeater do?

Bret Narayan: The repeaters have a higher pull on the network systems. Network providers want to upgrade in those areas seeing the most use.

Question: Are these installations being made for 5G capacity?

Bret Narayan: Yes and no. For Verizon, yes it is a 5G repeater. However, both AT&T and Sprint networks use a different generation (the “G” in the abbreviation). Some people have concerns about the impact on public health from the 5G signal. The FCC grants use licenses. The local governments have no authority to direct the federal government process for approvals.

Question: Will other cell phone carriers do same?

Bret Narayan: Yes, we can expect to see more such infrastructure in the 24th Ward. Currently, they can be placed in any right of way in the City.

The recent attempt to privatize Lambert Airport – both the legislative process and the signature-gathering attempt - has ended. It does not look like the City will reconsider the airport privatization attempt again in the near future.

The City of St. Louis has extended its moratorium on evictions to December 31st.

Ald. Narayan has been approving permits for outdoor patio dining seating for any restaurant that applies for one. He believes it is important for the success of these businesses to be able to expand their seating for safe social distancing measures.

Officer Don Veile (St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, 2nd District)

Distributed crime report, calls for service in Second District, year-to-date for 2020. Page #4 of the handouts include Ellendale-only stats.

The homicide that occurred at the 7-Eleven, at the intersection of Southwest and McCausland, was discussed. It is an ongoing investigation. Accordingly, SLMPD Homicide division has not released detailed information. However, the incident does not appear to be random.

Karen Clifford (Neighborhood Improvement Specialist, 24th Ward)

This is the time of the year for City leaf collection. Street cleaning sweepers will pickup leaves. However, be mindful of holiday changes to street cleaning schedules. If your leaves are bagged, contact Karen directly, and she can arrange for the City to come out and pick up. If leaves are in dire need, contact Karen directly, and she may be able to get the Streets Department out to the neighborhood sooner than scheduled. Her email is and her cell phone is 314.489.2078.

Question: How do we get leaf collection after just sweeping out to the curb?

Brett Narayan: The City’s street sweepers usually takes care of them on street cleaning days.

Question: A homeowner owns a double-lot and would like another trash receptacle for yard waste.

Matthew Sisul: The City used to offer additional bins at homeowner cost. However, they stopped this practice a few years ago.

Special Guest - Darlene Green, Comptroller

Briefly explained the role of Comptroller for City of St. Louis. Serves as one of three members on the Board of Estimate & Apportionment, approving City contracts and expenditures. She helped to maintain the City’s A-credit rating, which is important for actions such as funding bond measures. She is the City’s watchdog over our tax dollars. She is the current comptroller and will run for re-election at the March 2, 2021, primary. Because of the recent passage of Proposition D, allowing for non-partisan municipal primaries, she is also gathering signatures to be included as a candidate for the March 2021 non-partisan primary election.

Special Guest - Alderwoman Cara Spencer, Candidate for Mayor

Is a lifelong St. Louisan. Current alderwoman of the 20th Ward, serving the area around Cherokee Street. Candidate for mayor at the March 2, 2021, primary. Because of the recent passage of Proposition D, allowing for non-partisan municipal primaries, she is also gathering signatures to be included as a candidate for the March 2021 non-partisan primary election.

Special Guest - Carolyn McMahon, 24th Ward Committeewoman

Please report any unique experiences during November 3rd Election Day at the polls. Discussed the changes resulting from the passing of Proposition D or passed. What affects City-wide elections is that races are now non-partisan, so ballots will no longer be categorized by party. This will affect City primary elections most significantly, as a voter no now longer has to declare a party to participate.

Question: What were the precinct turnouts for the 24th Ward?

Carolyn McMahon: Precinct-by-precinct statistics are not released usually until about one week or so after the election. However, the 24th Ward was virtually tied for third most turnout overall in the City of St. Louis.

Matthew Sisul: The Ellendale neighborhood is more than just one precinct. But most of the neighborhood is located in Ward 24 Precinct 3, which usually has very low turnout compared to the rest of the ward.

Board Report

Treasurer’s Report (Matthew Sisul, for Joe Nea)

$1,025.46 starting balance (September 2020)

$20.00 dues collected

$1,045.46 new balance (November 2020)

Motion to accept Treasurer’s report made by Linda Boyd-Shell, and seconded by Mary Scanlon. Motion passed by voice vote.

Housing Committee Report (Linda Boyd-Shell)

Construction of apartments at the former Wilkinson School is progressing well. The developer, Brian Minges, has been working with neighbors to address items of concern when brought to his attention. There was a recent complaint of construction activity causing an increase of rodents noticed around Canterbury. Development team has set traps around their worksite. Communication with the affected homeowners states that the situation has improved.

From a concern mentioned at the September 2020 meeting, it appears that the owners of 3118 Ellendale Ave (at Tremont Ave intersection) are deceased. Will reach out to family and offer support and assistance as available.

Question: Is construction at the former Wilkinson School progressing? When is anticipated opening?

Linda Boyd-Shell: Yes, construction is progressing.

Matthew Sisul: The developer closed on their project financing in April. Work start was delayed due to City’s COVID-19 shutdown response. Construction started instead early/mid-July. Expect that to delay their schedule significantly. Will update members when we know more, but unlikely to be sooner than towards the end of 2021. With winter months approaching soon, the focus has been on exterior work so as to not further delay plans for interior work. The developer has been very responsive. Contact the ENA board or housing committee with any additional questions or concerns.

Question: Any update regarding the rezoning of 7101 Ellendale Place into two parcels?

Matthew Sisul: The house was rehabbed and recently sold to new homeowners. However, the seller did indicate plans to resubdivide the parcel into two buildable lots. The property is zoned “A – Single Family.” The parcel is also an irregular-sized parcel, in an L-shape. It has not yet been officially subdivided, but Matt did confirm that an application to do so was submitted prior to the closing/sale of the 7101 Ellendale Pl home. The application appears to subdivide the lots into two buildable parcels. If this is the case, it is unlikely that the neighborhood association will have an opportunity to comment or oppose. However, Matt has been reaching out to residents near the intersection of Ellendale Ave & Ellendale Pl. Neighbors can direct their concerns to the Office of the Secretary to the Board of Public Service at 314.622.4627.

New Business

Matthew Sisul: Notice received from the City’s Collector of Revenue. The City will not be staffing satellite locations as in previous years. However, these locations will have “night drop box”(but available 24 hours a day) collection points at some Commerce Bank offices.

4402 Natural Bridge (63115), 6327 Chippewa (63109), 3134 South Grand (63118), 901 South Vandeventer (63110)

Pay by phone: 314.408.6887

Pay online: (may be a service fee)

Pay in-person at City Hall, Room 109

Question: When is the dispensary opening into old Taco Bell building (6660 Manchester Ave)?

Bret Narayan: The licensing department is the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services. Probably waiting on the state at this point. No Conditional Use Permit is likely needed, due to the current zoning of this and surrounding parcels. After construction is completed, the owner then requests a commencement inspection from the State of Missouri. A certification to proceed can then be given to licensee. They appear to be working on the buildout, so he expects that they will start the commencement process shortly after completion.

Question: A dip/indentation is appearing on Canterbury Ave, near the intersection of McCausland/Ellendale. Concern that an accident will happen soon here as a result.

Karen Clifford: She will contact the Streets Department for an inspection and schedule for repairs.

Motion to adjourn made by John Yarish and seconded by Linda Boyd-Shell. Approved by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned approximately 8:00PM


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