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July 2020 ENA General Meeting Notes

Ellendale Neighborhood Association

Meeting Notes – July 13, 2020

The Ellendale Neighborhood Association will comply with social distancing practices recommended and required by the City of St. Louis Health Department in response to COVID-19. As a result, this meeting was held virtually via Google Meetings. The meeting announcement and joining/participating information were provided in advance, consistent with the organization’s bylaws (revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015).

Meeting opened at approximately 7PM.

  • Matthew Sisul outlined virtual meeting procedures for the session so that participants could listen to presenters without interruption and how questions could be submitted via either chat or by email or text.

  • A weblink to the March 2020 meeting notes was shared. There was no May 2020 meeting because of the City of St. Louis stay-at-home order in effect at that time. Approval of meeting notes as formal meeting minutes will be postponed until a future meeting.

Community Reports

Alderman Bret Narayan (24th Ward)

  • Tax Day is Wednesday, July 15th. This is also the date everyone’s City earnings tax is due.

  • Crime statistics for 2020 year-to-date are higher than in recent years for same period. However, crime in the Ellendale neighborhood is down compared to previous years. Second District will continue patrolling the neighborhood.

  • Turtle Park and Playground improvements will be available for community input on Thursday, August 6th, 4PM-7PM, and on Saturday, August 8th, 9AM-12PM noon. Please wear masks and prepare to socially distance at this event.

  • Lanham new construction apartments updated plan was received. Ald. Narayan will continue working with the Ellendale Neighborhood Association housing committee and with the Lanham Avenue residents.

  • Board of Aldermen recently endorsed a plan to close the City of St. Louis medium security institution (commonly known as “The Workhouse”). This will also involve the reallocation of approximately $8 Million in funding previously budgeted for its operations. It is important to note that the medium security institution will not be releasing its population but rather they will be relocated to the Justice Center.

  • Board Bill #71 regarding what is often referred to as “Airport Privatization” will be discussed at the Board of Alderman meeting on Friday, July 17th, for Third Reading…one of the steps required before becoming an ordinance. At the request of Ald. Cara Spencer, City Counselor Julian Bush recently issued a legal opinion suggesting that the City of St. Louis Charter cannot be amended in the way that the ballot initiative is being proposed. Additionally, it is Mr. Bush’s opinion the initiative may not even be allowable under Missouri Constitution. Ald. Narayan plans to oppose and vote against Board Bill #71 and will encourage other aldermen to do so as well.

  • Community Support Program is also being debated among aldermen as a way to combat crime. The plan would involve surveillance aircraft monitoring the City to provide images and video that can be used in crime investigations. The technology was developed for the military to combat terrorist groups in Iraq, particularly in Fallujah. Ald. Narayan opposes use of the program here in the City of St. Louis for the potential privacy violations it brings.

  • Comment: Baltimore was the first U.S. city to institute the program.

  • Comment: There is a private grant offered to U.S. cities interested in participating in the Community Support Program. However, the funding would only cover up to one plane for up to 40 hours per week for not more than 3 years. The city would be responsible for any additional cost for more plans, more hours, more years, etc.

  • Question: Is this a crime deterrent?

  • Answer: Matt Sisul – Because the images and video are used to investigate crimes that already occurred and can be used in the prosecution of those cases, this is more a law enforcement tool than one for crime prevention.

  • Answer: Ald. Bret Narayan – There is a belief that people will not commit crimes if they know that they are being watched/surveilled. And so there is an argument that this is a crime prevention tool. However, the validity of this argument can certainly be debated.

  • Question: Who would have access to the data (video, images, etc.)?

  • Answer: Ald. Bret Narayan – That decision has yet to be determined. But the records could be maintained by the City, or by the company that provides the technology, or by a combination of the two.

  • Comment – There is a risk that because the data about people’s movements & habits (where they live, where they work, where they shop, etc.) that the data could be sold or marketed for purposes other than crime prevention or law enforcement.

  • Comment – Because this is a highly valuable data set, the policies over data retention is a big and hotly contested issue.

  • Comment - Kelo vs. United States was a Supreme Court decision that declared persistent surveillance at night with infrared cameras are unconstitutional.

  • Case details involved California State Highway Patrol use of helicopters with infrared cameras to obtain data on illegal marijuana growing.

Karen Clifford (24th Ward Neighborhood Improvement Specialist)

  • Karen reports that she will be completing her “new hire” probation period with the City of St. Louis on August 3rd. She is happy to be working in the 24th Ward and in the Ellendale neighborhood. She continues working on service requests to the Citizens Service Bureau. Feel free to contact her at 314-489-2078 cell phone.

  • Comment – Area trash receptacles (both alley dumpster and roll-carts) that need replacing are being noted.

  • Comment – 7115 Emilie Street has a mattress left out front on driveway for bulk pickup that did not happen

  • Comment – 6241 Wilson Avenue has a mattress left out by alley dumpster for bulk pickup that did not happen

St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Second District (Matthew Sisul)

  • Police have been providing weekly crime reports to neighborhood association presidents for community input and follow-up. However, specific information about on-going investigations is not provided. Feel free to contact Matthew Sisul directly (314-606-3427 or if you have questions about crime in the Ellendale neighborhood.

Special Guests/Presentations

August 4th Primary Ballot Candidates

  • Tyler Merkel, candidate for State House of Representatives District 83

  • Introduced himself and gave a brief bio and experience

  • Carolyn McMahon, candidate for 24th Ward Democratic Committeewoman

  • Introduced herself and discussed the upcoming August 4th Primary Election. Wednesday, July 22nd, is the last day to apply for a mail-in ballot. Carolyn can help connect anyone with a free notary needed for a mail-in ballot application. Contact her directly to arrange.

Board and Committee Reports

Treasurer’s Report (Matthew Sisul, for Joe Nea)

  • Previous balance: $979.46 (March 9, 2020)

  • Receipts, dues and donations: $46.00

  • Current balance: $1,025.46 (July 13, 2020)

Housing Committee Report (Linda Boyd-Shell)

  • Wilkinson School Update

  • Developer closed on financing in April 2020. Construction is underway, but size of on-site crews will be limited due to City of St. Louis Health Department COVID-19 restrictions.

  • Problem Properties Updates

  • 7101 Ellendale Place

  • Previous owner passed away and the property was in probate court for several years. Recently resolved and sold to rehabber. Home repairs & updates are now completed and listed for sale for $249,900.

  • 7036 Canterbury Avenue

  • Current owner was rehabbing home for brother to live, who then passed away. Home is now listed for sale “as-is” with rehab partially complete and work still remaining for $99,000.

  • 7155 Lanham Avenue

  • New construction apartments development proposal. Newest architectural renderings show the plans for the building is no longer U-shaped, is now over two-stories tall, now has parking to be located on both sides of building including directly adjacent to neighboring single-family home, will now need an additional curb cut for access to second parking area, will now direct additional traffic onto one-way Lanham Avenue, and the building will be located approximately 34’-35’ from nearest building on Manchester Avenue.

  • Because these plans are so different than what was previously discussed & shared with ENA housing committee and Lanham residents, the housing committee cannot support the plan in its current form at this time. Additional conversations with development team will be necessary if the development team wants community support.

  • Because the vacant lot is zoned “A – Single Family Residential,” this development plan would trigger a hearing with the City’s Board of Adjustment. This will allow for direct community input and comment. ENA executive board and housing committee will update the neighborhood if and when such a hearing is scheduled. Due to current City of St. Louis Health Department COVID-19 restrictions, this hearing is likely to be conducted virtually (or online).

  • The site is under contract but listed with Hilliker Corporation along with the parcel at 7144 Manchester Avenue for $1,375,000. The properties are currently marketed as suitable for the development of 125+ units and with tax incentives being available. The owners of both parcels are Pat & Carol Schuchard, owners of The Majorette (7150 Manchester Ave) a business located in the Ellendale neighborhood.

  • Comment – Some of the Lanham Ave residents requested that the new plans be forwarded to them. ENA housing committee will continue to work with these residents as best as able.

  • New Committee Members

  • The Ellendale Neighborhood Association housing committee was created by Resolution dated March 14, 2016, as a Standing Committee authorized by Article V of the bylaws (adopted 11/09/2015). Membership on this committee is open to any ENA member-in-good-standing.

  • Linda Boyd-Shell (ENA housing committee chair) made a motion to approve John Yarish as ENA housing committee member. Seconded by Sue Moody. Approved by voice vote.

  • Linda Boyd-Shell (ENA housing committee chair) made a motion to approve Allison Sweeney as ENA housing committee member. Seconded by Sue Moody. Approved by voice vote.

New Business

  • 2020 Dues (Matthew Sisul)

  • Dues cover the period January to December each calendar year. These cover expenses such as meeting reminder yard signs and neighborhood activities such as our June Social in the Park and also the National Neighborhood Night Out.

  • Park Cleanups (Matthew Sisul)

  • Thanked Carolyn McMahon and Steve & Lori Cavin (all Clifton Heights residents) for organizing an Ellendale/Slay Park cleanup – addressing both trash/litter and vegetation – that was held on July 6th. Their dedication to the community as a whole and not just to their Clifton Heights neighborhood is greatly appreciated and welcomed.

  • ENA pollinator garden (Matthew Sisul)

  • Located at the dead-end of Ellendale Avenue overlooking Southwest Avenue, directly adjacent to the sidewalk staircase. This garden was provided to the neighborhood association with a grant from Brightside St. Louis. Some have suggested new neighborhood gardens to be created in other parts of Ellendale. It will be important to demonstrate first our ability to properly maintain the one we already have.

  • Matt Sisul recommended the creation of a new Ellendale Neighborhood Association standing committee for Garden/Beautification purposes. Creation of such a committee would need to be approved by membership at a future meeting. However, a chairperson will need to be identified first. Please contact him directly at 314-606-3427 or if interested in participating.

  • September Meeting – Officer Elections (Matthew Sisul)

  • The terms for the offices of President, Vice President, and Secretary are ending in September. The current officers (Matthew Sisul, Jacqi Kamp, Sue Moody) have expressed their willingness to serve another term. Anyone else interested in running for any of these ENA executive board positions must be members-in-good-standing. Please contact one of the current ENA executive board members if interested in running or be able to participate at the next ENA meeting on September 14th.

  • The ENA board positions of both Treasurer and Communications Officer are two-year terms and do not expire this year.

  • Anyone interested in serving as a ENA board officer but may not be ready or confident to serve at this time is encouraged to contact the current officer of that board position about shadowing or learning about a specific role during the 2020-21 ENA officer cycle. Volunteers for board positions or for standing committees are always welcome.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8PM.


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