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March 2020 ENA General Meeting Notes

Ellendale Neighborhood Association

Meeting Notes - March 9, 2020

Meeting opened at 7:05PM

  • Approval of Minutes, January 2020 Meeting

  • Motion to approve notes as formal meeting minutes made by Mary Scanlon and seconded by Jim Howard. Approved by voice vote.

Community Reports

  • Alderman Bret Narayan (24th Ward)

A developer is proposing the new construction of a 100+ unit apartment building at approximately Lanham Avenue and Hewitt Avenue. Proposed use would require a zoning variance/conditional use permit. Ald. Narayan received a lot of resident opposition by phone and by email. As such, he does not support a variance or conditional use for this project

  • UPDATE: Property is listed for sale by Hilliker Corporation with an asking price of $1,375,000. Patrick McKay (commercial listing agent) is marketing the site as suitable for the development of 125+ units.


  • The site is listed for sale by owners Pat & Carol Schuchard (also owners of The Majorette, an Ellendale business located at 7150 Manchester). The proposed development team had an accepted contract to purchase the land. It appears that the development team is withdrawing their offer to purchase & develop the site.

  • COVID-19 Update: City of St. Louis is working to be proactive to implement City-wide safety plans to combat public health risks.

  • Forest Park improvement updates: Dwight Davis Tennis Center and Turtle Park work is progressing on schedule.

  • Sam Moore, alderman of the City’s 4th Ward (Greater Ville and nearby neighborhoods) recently passed away. He was also chair for Intergovernmental Affairs committee. There will be a special election for 4th Ward voters in May to fill his aldermanic seat.

  • Larry Arnowitz, alderman of the City’s 12th Ward (Boulevard Heights and nearby neighborhoods) recently resigned. There will be a special election for 12th Ward voters in May to fill his aldermanic seat.

  • Legislative Update: Air Quality & Asbestos Remediation Bill, sponsored by Ald. Bret Narayan; Board Bill cleared third reading and is expected to be passed by full Board of Alderman at next session on March 13th.

  • UPDATE: Board Bill #208 (Session 2019-2020) passed as City of St. Louis Ordinance #71120, effective March 25, 2020.

  • Dogtown St. Patrick’s Day Parade planning in final stages.

  • UPDATE: As a result of City of St. Louis Health Department and Mayor orders, the parade has been postponed indefinitely. Additional information regarding this event, including new schedule date and time, will be shared when available.

  • The Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services issued a marijuana dispensary license to an applicant at 6660 Manchester Avenue (former Taco Bell building in St. Louis Marketplace. This is a location that will not require a conditional use variance, so it is unlikely that the Ellendale community will have an opportunity to provide input. Reminder that customers of this dispensary will be required by state law to have a medical marijuana license before being able to legally purchase products at this location.

  • St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD)

  • Captain Christi Marks introduced herself again to the neighborhood association. Also introduced two on-duty beat officers present (Sergeant Jackson and Officer Newland). Several residents thanked Capt. Marks for the increased police patrols in our area.

  • Officer Don Veile (Community Liaison, 2nd District) distributed crime statistics handouts.

  • Resident reported illegal dumping behind 7149 Lanham Avenue. Has been previously reported to Citizens Service Bureau. SLMPD will refer the matter to their own trash task force to assist with remedies.

  • Resident reported illegal towing business still operating at 2713 Hermitage. Commercial tow truck illegally parked on residential street. Numerous cars without plates also illegally parked on street. SLMPD will investigate.

  • Resident reported suspected regular marijuana use by individuals at Knox Avenue and Wilson Avenue. Black truck parked regularly in grass with two occupants. SLMPD will investigate. Residents are encouraged to call 911 to report suspicious behavior; important to provide address of any illegal activities so that City can properly monitor.

  • Karen Clifford, 24th Ward Neighborhood Improvement Specialist (NIS)

  • Karen introduced herself as new NIS from Citizens Service Bureau (CSB). Currently assigned to both 23rd and 24th Wards. Previous work experience is in corporate legal. Has wanted this NIS job and applied three times previously. Very happy in new position. Encourages residents to contact her by phone (314-489-2078, direct cell) or email ( Handed out business cards and CSB outlines. Is already working on Ellendale action items already pending from previous CSB staff.

  • Matt Sisul thanked Karen Clifford for her diligence to remedy already many of the previously pending CSB reported items already submitted by the Ellendale Neighborhood Association.

Board Report

  • Treasurer’s Report (Matthew Sisul, for Joe Nea)

  • Previous balance $889.46

  • Received $90.00 in dues

  • New balance is $979.46 new balance.

  • Housing Committee Report (submitted by Linda Boyd-Shell, chair)

  • Development Proposal by Building Blocks & Parnas Properties (

  • 7155 Lanham Avenue (zoned for single-family residence) and 7144 Manchester Avenue (currently parking lot for The Majorette, located at 7150 Manchester)

  • New construction of four-story apartment building

  • 116 market rate units, mostly 1-bedroom apartments

  • Lower/surface level parking

  • Amenities to include fitness center, lobby, rooftop deck

  • ENA Housing Committee Response

  • On January 30, 2020 the Housing Committee for the ENA heard a proposal for an apartment complex to be built on the rear lot of 7144 Manchester Road (behind The Majorette). The following are the reasons that the Housing Committee has voted to not support and to block any effort for this project to move forward in our neighborhood.

  • The building is not conducive for the Single Family Residence neighborhood where it would back up to.

  • The area within a half-mile radius around this project has 250+ units either already online or coming online in the next year.

  • Project developers were not negotiable on possibly downsizing the number of units in order to fit a small footprint on the building site.

  • The added traffic on Lanham, Hewitt and Lowry Avenues would overwhelm this area.

  • There is not enough space for all the parking demands for the businesses along Manchester and this apartment complex.

  • The housing committee has chosen only to address the proposed project development and not comment about anything else that happened at this meeting.

New Business

  • Resolution for General Membership dated March 9, 2020, proposed by Matthew Sisul and seconded by Mary Scanlon. Approved unanimously by voice vote.

WHEREAS, according to its bylaws, revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015, the Ellendale neighborhood Association is an organization created for and will work towards the betterment, welfare, and improvement of the Ellendale neighborhood of the City of St. Louis and the quality of life of its residents.

WHEREAS, according to Article II and Section 1 of its bylaws, revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015, the purposes and objectives of the Ellendale Neighborhood Association are to safeguard the general welfare of the Ellendale neighborhood.

WHEREAS, according to Article II and Section 1 of its bylaws, revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015, the purposes and objectives of the Ellendale Neighborhood Association are to safeguard the general welfare of the Ellendale neighborhood.

WHEREAS, according to Article V and Section 2 of its bylaws, revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015, and the Resolution of General Membership approved on March 14, 2016, the Housing Committee was created as a standing committee of the Ellendale Neighborhood Association whose purpose is to serve as an advocate for general membership on housing and development issues that impact the neighborhood and whose duties include evaluation of specific development proposals considered for the service area, advocacy for membership and other residents of the service area including but not limited to housing programs, quality-of-life issues, and development opportunity areas.

WHEREAS, according to Article VI and Section 1 of its bylaws, revised July 2015 and adopted November 9, 2015, membership eligibility in the Ellendale Neighborhood Association includes businesses located within the neighborhood.

WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Ellendale Neighborhood Association Housing Committee on the evening of January 30, 2020, William Patrick Schuchard, owner of The Majorette, a business located at 7150 Manchester Avenue in the Ellendale neighborhood, to discuss a proposed new construction development at approximately the intersection of Lanham and Hewitt Avenues, did conduct himself with hostility towards the members of the Housing Committee and the residents of Lanham Avenue present.

WHEREAS, at approximately 8PM on January 30, 2020, William Patrick Schuchard, owner of The Majorette, a business located at 7150 Manchester Avenue in the Ellendale neighborhood, did verbally threaten physical violence against an officer of the Ellendale Neighborhood Association in an incident reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and documented under SLMPD Report Number #20-008656.

WHEREAS, the General Meetings of the Ellendale Neighborhood Association are open to the public and often include residents and their guests and other members of the community not currently members-in-good-standing.

WHEREAS, the safety and security of all members of the Ellendale Neighborhood Association, including executive board members, special committee members, general members, and members not-in-good-standing, is a priority.

WHEREAS, the safety and security of all distinguished guests and other visitors attending any meeting of the Ellendale Neighborhood Association, including general meetings, executive board sessions, and meetings of special committees, is a priority.

THEREFORE, the Ellendale Neighborhood Association, by this resolution dated March 9, 2020, does hereby suspend its membership eligibility for William Patrick Schuchard, Carol Schuchard, and anyone else representing the business known as The Majorette, located at 7150 Manchester Avenue, for the 2020 membership period, ending on December 31, 2020.

  • Introduction of Special Guests

  • Teri Powers, 24th Ward Democratic Committeewoman

  • Retired clinician, former school teacher; served as the ward committeewoman since 2012

  • Running for re-election in primary on August 4th

  • Believes violence is the biggest problem facing the City; also an advocate of criminal justice reform

  • Appointed Matthew Sisul as 24th Ward Democratic Committeeman in October 2019

  • Carolyn McMahon, candidate for 24th Ward Democratic Committeewoman

  • Reminded audience to participate in Missouri’s presidential preference primary on March 10th and had sample ballots for each party to share with anyone interested after the meeting

  • Spoke about upcoming special election for MSD proposition

  • Running for election in primary on August 4th

Old Business

  • 2020 Ellendale Neighborhood Association Dues (Matt Sisul)

  • Dues payments for members-in-good-standing covers calendar year, January 1 to December 31

  • $6 per Ellendale resident

  • $3 per Ellendale resident for seniors (65 or older)

  • $24 per Ellendale business

  • Volunteers needed for ENA pollinator garden (Matt Sisul)

  • Request for Block Captains (Matt Sisul)

Motion to adjourn made by Allison Sweeney-Almond, seconded by Robert Morrissey. Approved by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10PM


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