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July 2019 ENA General Meeting Notes

  • Meeting began at 7:04pm

  • Approval of May 2019 Meeting Notes

  • Motion to approve as formal meeting minutes made by Linda Boyd-Shell, seconded by Mary Scanlon. Approved by voice vote.

  • Community Reports

  • Alderman Bret Narayan (24th Ward)

  • Budget has been officially passed at City Hall.

  • Appropriate funding for the Cure Violence Program was a large part of the hold up in getting budget passed. Cure Violence Program takes holistic approach to curbing violence.

  • Police overtime pay was also approved in budget.

  • Medical Marijuana legislation was also addressed at City Hall.

  • There formerly was a one-thousand-foot restriction for cultivation facilities and dispensaries from entities such as schools. This restriction was changed shifting from a “distance” to instead relying on specific zoning and local interest of the parcel for dispensaries.

  • Residents who qualify for medicinal exemptions may be able to grow marijuana at home. Certain state restrictions apply.

  • Q: How are you navigating federal marijuana laws?

  • A: Under new federal memorandum we are able to follow the State of Missouri for regulations. There are a limited number of permits that will be allowed.

  • Q: Why aren’t pharmaceuticals handling marijuana distribution?

  • A: This issue was a Missourit State Constitutional amendment that gives local municipalities limited input. Also, it would be up to individual pharmaceutical companies to determine if pursuit of these licenses fits their respective business plans.

  • Q: How will we as a neighborhood know if a dispensary is opening in our area?

  • A: Applications for new licenses will be subject to hearings by City’s Board of Adjustment. Signage is required to be placed in front of proposed location in public view stating date and time of these hearings.

  • Q: Could existing businesses add-on a dispensary?

  • A: They could but it is a very expensive and highly regulated process.

  • Wilkinson School development updates

  • Minor interior demolition has begun on Wilkinson School Project and we can expect more progress this month.

  • In addressing an earlier concern, Alderman Narayan spoke with Advantes Group, developer for Wilkinson School Apartments. They have consolidated the two parcels (building and parking lots sites) into one. The new address for the apartment building will be 7151 Canterbury.

  • St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) is reconsidering previous denial of the TIF application for this development, which occurred since May’s ENA general membership meeting.

  • Forestry is 18 months behind on its maintenance responsibilities of maintaining City parcels, including grass cuttings. This also affects responding to reports of high grass & weeds on privately-owned properties.

  • Turtle Park playground is going to be redone on Oakland Ave and a Children Nature Playground is also being constructed in Forest Park. Most funding is coming from Forest Park Forever Fund.

  • Q: Is Chemisphere Chemical Company (2101 Clifton Ave) planning on expanding?

  • A: Alderman Narayan and Matt Sisul were unaware of this and will follow up with company president

  • KaJauna Thomas (NSO, 24th Ward) was present at meeting and would be available to discuss Citizens Service Bureau issues with anyone following the conclusion of the formal meeting.

  • Board and Committee Reports

  • Treasurer’s Report (Joe Nea)

  • $555.46 current balance. No change from previous meeting report.

  • Matt Sisul mentioned that he received dues and donations since last meeting that have not yet been deposited in bank account. These will be added to September’s financial activity reports.

  • Matt Sisul reminded those in attendance that ENA dues must be paid to be considered members-in-good standing. Dues are not required for meeting attendance, but they are required for voting privileges. Matt has ENA membership applications for anyone interested in joining and/or paying dues.

  • Housing Committee Update (Linda Boyd-Shell)

  • No additional report. See discussion above regarding Wilkinson School redevelopment.

  • Linda Boyd-Shell (committee chairperson) was present at meeting and was available if anyone needed following the conclusion of the formal meeting.

  • New Business

  • September ENA Meeting will include executive board/officer elections

  • All executive board positions expiring.

  • There are upcoming vacancies for both Secretary and Communication Officer positions. Interested parties must be members-in-good-standing to serve. Information on these positions is available online, as part of ENA by-laws:


  • If anyone would like additional information about the duties and other responsibilities of any executive board positions, please contact Matt Sisul.

  • Volunteers needed for ENA pollinator garden for weeding, watering, and general maintenance. Anyone interested should contact Matt Sisul.

  • Motion to adjourn made by Charlie White, seconded by Linda Boyd-Shell. Approved by voice vote.

  • Meeting adjourned at 8:13pm


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