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Ellendale Meeting Notes for July 9th, 2018

Ellendale Neighborhood Association Meeting Notes Monday, 7/9/18

· Meeting began at 7:01, motion for approval of March minutes by Robert Morrissey, second by Christine Sisul. Approved by members.

· Summary of May Meeting by Matt Sisul. Not enough ENA members attended for a quorum. So no official meeting was held.

· Community Reports

Alderman Scott Ogilvie (24th Ward)

City declared that Paul McKee was in default with his obligation in the redevelopment agreement in North City. The State of Missouri will likely take over the property.

City recently won a law suit with the state of Missouri regarding interpretation of the statute regarding the city’s Treasures Office. The city hopes to regain control of the funds held by the parking division.

The City hired an independent organization to research the possibility of having a private group operate the airport. There is currently a feasibility study underway. Selling the airport would need to be approved by the Board of Alderman before taking effect, and no one yet knows the study group’s recommendations.

· Currently there is a bill sponsored by Ogilvie that it would need to go to a public vote before passing.

Resident expressed concern about striping lines on McCausland Ave. Ogilvie explained that it is schedule for re-pavement and striping and should be completed this summer.

Resident expressed concern about difficulty getting out of alley near Southwest Diner. She also expressed concerns about eighteen wheelers driving down Magnolia although it’s labeled no commercial trucks. Other resident expressed concern about difficulty driving in the morning in the area of the restaurant. Matt Sisul mentioned that a no parking buffer on Southwest Ave at the alley intersection has been previously requested by ENA. Ogilvie also recalled this and will contact streets department again for an update.

Resident concerned about increased traffic on Wellington Ave due to, in her opinion, the closure of other roads to Wabash due to the construction of the recent trail expansion. It was suggested possibly installing speed bumps. Ogilvie stated that high volume traffic in Ellendale was a problem even before the trail expansion, but that install of speed bumps could be arranged

Residents also expressed concerns about a house nearby with too many cats, feeding them outside which is attracting pest. Ogilvie and Kajuana will coordinate with city’s Animal Control.

Property at 7101 Ellendale Place entire backyard is an overgrown. Matt Sisul said he has owners number and generally has good luck when asking them to maintain property.

Matt reminded and encouraged residents to contact Kajauna with any property issues.

o KaJauna Thomas (NSO, 24th Ward)

KaJauna explained that she will assist with problems regarding neighborhood issues. Please contact her with concerns. Also contact her if you need your waste carts replaced.

· Residents who want to purchase additional dumpsters (for example, having one for trash and one for yard waste) may do so by contacting Refuse Division (314-622-4800).

UPDATE: Refuse Division no longer provides this service.

Recently she has received many calls regarding residents not bringing in rollout waste carts. She has drafted a letter that she plans to give to those neighbors who continue to fail to bring their carts back onto their property. (See attached)

Resident concerned about street cleaning on Ellendale Ave. There is only one sided parking on the side that needs to be cleaned. The other side is no parking due to fire lane restrictions. Kajauna will contact streets department about what is expected of residents on street cleaning days.

Matt is wondering when the work on sewer collapse at Canterbury and Tennyson will be completed. Kajauna will check with MSD.

Matt also asked when water repairs on Ellendale Ave will be completed. It appears dry, but hole in street remains. Kajauna will check with water department.

· Guest Speaker – Meagan O’Brien (The Gathering)

o She is very excited to be part of Ellendale. Building should be completed by late August.

o Resident was wondering when the driveway to Walgreens will be completed. She believes it should be finished in the next few weeks.

o The old church on McCausland will still be used for such things as weddings, funerals and youth group gatherings.

o Many local vendors have been contracted in the construction of the new Church.

· Board Report

Treasurer’s Report (Joe Nea)

· Starting balance $347.46

· Current balance $ 335.46

Housing Committee Report (Lesley Wilson)

· Post-Dispatch recently released housing statistics for St Louis city & county. Ellendale neighborhood had the increase in median sales price over the last year (85%).

Resident asked for Wilkinson School update.

· Matt said the Advantes Group is currently trying to buy the school.

· They have successfully developed other city schools (Sherman School, Lafayette School) for market-rate apartments.

· Developer is proposing higher end apartments for Wilkinson School

· Still need rehabilitation tax credits from the state of Missouri to move forward. Next year’s cap on the credit has already been met so he will keep it for another year to reapply for the tax credits.

· Advantes still has not closed on the property so St. Louis Public Schools still owns the building and is responsible for maintenance.

· National Neighborhood Night Out – Jacqi Kamp

o Tuesday, August 7th

o Volunteers needed, please contact Jacqi Kamp.

· Ellendale Neighborhood Cleanups – End of Year Summary

o We encourage more Ellendale residents to get involved in the local clean-ups.

· September Elections

o President, Vice President and Secretary are all up for re-election.

· New Business.

o 2018 Dues

o Volunteers needed for ENA pollinator garden. Contact Matt Sisul if interested.

o Request for Block Captains

o September 10th is our next meeting.

· Motion to adjourn meeting by Charlie White, second by Maria at 8:08 pm. Approved.

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