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Ellendale Meeting Notes for March 12, 2018

Ellendale Neighborhood Association Meeting Notes

March 12, 2018

· Meeting began at 7:05, motion for approval of January 2018 meeting minutes by Judy Holstein, second by Leslie White. Motion passed unanimously.

· Community Reports

o Alderman Scott Ogilvie (24th Ward)

The proposed Deer Creek Trail extension has been delayed by Maplewood City Council. Great Rivers Greenway declined the project funding previously secured because it was unlikely that they would have met the required progress deadlines. It may be possible for this connection to be revisited in the future, but no way to anticipate when at this time.

Picadilly Ave is fully authorized to be changed to a two-way street and will include a stop sign at corner of Picadilly and Commonwealth.

McCausland re-striping between Southwest and Arsenal is high on Ogilvie’s list along with repaving. Not yet sure plans for new lanes or striping. Also, speed limit has been reduced to 25 mph.

The city will be reducing the number of wards, and hence the number of alderman, from 28 wards to 14 wards after the upcoming 2020 census. Ogilvie wants to create a commission to redraw logical ward boundaries to better represent all city residents, rather than the present system that gives the Board of Aldermen the authority The first elections to be affected by this change would be in 2023.

· Q: How much will population play a role in how many people each Alderman represents?

A: Population always plays a large role. At current rate, there would be approximately 23,000 people represented per Alderman.

General Question & Answer

· Q: What is the timeline for removing abandoned cars left on city streets?

o A: City mainly tows for public safety reasons. Normal timeline is one to two months.

Matt Sisul encouraged residents to speak with neighborhood association to help coordinate whenever such situations arise. Alderman Ogilvie and KaJauna Thomas (NSO) concurred.

Q: Is there going to be parking on both sides of Picadilly between Manhattan and Picadilly? Residents are concerned that it will be too tight for two cars to travel through if parking is allowed on both sides.

A: Yes. We must balance all resident and needs.

Q: Why won’t city allow residents to purchase a second green dumpster cart?

A: Ogilvie was not aware of this, but will look into it and believes he can help get resident a second bin.

Q: Is BNSF planning expansion at Lindenwood Yards?

A: Not to his knowledge, but Ald. Ogilvie has a good reason to believe that a large amount of the intermodal operation will be moving to the Fenton site recently purchased by BNSF. Volume of semi traffic expected to decline but at the moment there is no timeline for the transition, if such planned.

Q: Who is responsible for helicopters flying over neighborhood?

A: Ameren UE project. Planned maintenance & service of utility lines over rail tracks.

o Officer Don Veile (2nd District)

Not presented. Matt Sisul spoke on his behalf.

District 2 is working on a block blitz to target litter, trash, graffiti and derelict cars from blocks in need of such clean-up.

Please let Matt know what block you believe would be a good candidate in the Ellendale neighborhood. This is a good opportunity to have a positive change on a block in our neighborhood.

o KaJauna Thomas (NSO, 24th Ward)

Just about all of the old street light banners have been taken down throughout the neighborhood.

If you need rollout carts, recycling or trash bins, replaced let her know.

She has been working hard to get potholes fixed and graffiti removed throughout neighborhood.

General Question & Answer

· Q: What is the timeline for putting bins back after collection?

o A: (resident) They are supposed to be put away by dark.

· Q: Two large electrical conduits coming out of the retaining wall on the south side of Southwest and Ellendale that don’t have covers.

o A: Will look into it.

· Q: What is the current status of house at 7042 Canterbury across from Slay Park? The building was being rehabbed since late last summer but currently seems to be unattended and is an eyesore for the neighborhood. Outside storage of construction debris and derelict truck on front yard.

o A: Took pictures and sent it to building inspector Will call and report back with answer once inspected & building permit checked

· Q: Matt Sisul is concerned about storm drain at Canterbury and Tennyson that is collapsing.

o A: Will make a call to MSD to try to get it taken care of.

· Board Report

Treasurer’s Report (Joe Nea)

· Current balance is $269.00.

· No change from January 2018 report.

· Some dues payments received at beginning of this meeting. These deposits will be reflected on next meeting’s treasurer report in May.

Housing Committee Report (Lesley Wilson)

Made available report on house sales in the neighborhood.

Ellendale Neighborhood Cleanups 2018 Neighborhood Cleanup Schedule


9:00am-12pm on Saturday, April 14th

Cleanup area: McCausland Avenue, between Southwest & Arsenal

(meet at intersection of Odell St and McCausland Ave)

9:00am-12pm on Saturday, May 5th

Cleanup area: Southwest Avenue, between Limit Ave & McCausland Ave

(meet at ENA neighborhood garden, intersection of Southwest Ave and Ellendale Ave)

9:00am-12pm on Saturday, May 26th

Cleanup area: Slay (Ellendale) Park

(meet at Slay Park parking lot area)

9:00am-12pm on Saturday, June 16th

Cleanup area: McCausland Avenue, between Canterbury Ave & Manhattan Ave

(meet at Slay Park parking lot area)

o Volunteers are welcome to bring their own tools & supplies if desired.

o Contact Matthew Sisul (314-606-3427 cell or with questions.

· New Business?

o 2018 Dues

o Volunteers needed for ENA pollinator garden

Please contact Matt Sisul directly to help with the watering of recently created garden at end of Ellendale Ave overlooking the retaining wall.

o Request for Block Captains

o ENA is once again participating in National night out Tuesday, August 7th. Volunteers are needed. Please contact Jacqi Kamp.

· Motion to adjourn meeting by Kristina Gaines, second by Steve Berry. Motion to dismiss passed unanimously at 8:08 pm.


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