Ellendale Meeting Notes for January 8, 2018
Ellendale Neighborhood Association Meeting Notes – January 8th, 2018
Meeting began at 7:00
Approval of Minutes, November 2017 Meeting: Judy Holstein motion; Lesley Wilson second; unanimously approved
Community Reports
Alderman Scott Ogilvie (24th Ward)
A new St. Louis City Police chief was recently hired - his name is John Hayden.
A new Public safety director, Judge Jimmy Edwards was also recently appointed.
There is also a new second district captain, and his name is Mike Deeba.
Public safety sales tax increase is officially in place as of the new year. City plans to hire new police officers the upcoming fiscal year (starting July 2018)
New parking signs have been requested for Hewitt Ave.
Q: Citizen concerned about people speeding on Cantebury. Is there any way the city could do a traffic study that may ultimately lead to slowing traffic?
A: The next Deer Creek connecter greenway route may take up one of the lanes on Canterbury which could result in a slow down due to narrower lanes. Alderman Ogilvie would like to wait on the final greenway decision before looking into traffic study here, as any changes could affect data.
Q: Can you update us on the striping on southbound McCausland before Emilee Ave?
A: Alderman Ogilvie is confident it will be changed in 2018.
Q: What is the status on Wilkinson school?
A: Building needs to be listed on historic registry which will provide beneficial tax credits making renovation financially feasible.
A: Matt Sisul: ENA hopes to have Wilkinson School project representative at our March meeting.
Guest Speaker: Angelica Gutierrez/Elizabeth Simons, Great Rivers Greenway (GRG)
Proposed Deer Creek extension, construction/planning updates, maintenance for River des Peres extension.
River des Peres greenway trail extension is nearly completed. Only a few signs remain to be installed. Improvements have been made based on resident concerns:
For example: Curbs painted yellow, hatch striping in no parking areas, road curve signs replaced with retro-reflective material, solar powered speed warning sings
GRG is proposing a plan to connect the recently completed River des Peres greenway trail to the Deer Creek Trail in Maplewood.
The entire GRG power point presentation can be found at the following link;
GRG is interest in the community’s opinion regarding the extension trail and has created a public survey that can be accessed at the following link;
Presentation ensued regarding the overall goals of GRG in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area and the benefits related to greenway trails.
Two options were explained for connecting the River des Peres trail to Deer Creek trail.
Matt Sisul asked if GRG would be operating with maintenance contracts with the cities of St. Louis and Maplewood?
GRG responded that yes they would be.
Q: What is the consensus in Maplewood on project?
A: There is no consensus as of yet.
Resident commented that it is already quite easy to connect, via Canterbury and Greenwood, from Slay Park to Deer Creek. A connecting trail starting at Wellington Ave, behind the former foam plant, now owned by MSD, would provide a new route that otherwise could not be traveled. This route is quite scenic and would follow a wooded corridor near Deer Creek that would offer the public a nature experience.
Q: When will the extension trail route decision be made GRG?
A: Hopefully by the end of January.
Concern: Matt Sisul concerned with excess trash along trails in the neighborhood and would like for GRG to consider including more trash can options.
A: GRG can connect volunteer groups with ENA that could help with association’s planned 2018 cleanups.
A: There’s been mixed success with installing trash cans along greenways often time they still are not used. Additionally, City of St. Louis would be responsible for trash collection of any receptacles placed.
Board Report
Treasurer’s Report (Matt Sisul, for Joe Nea – excused absence)
November’s balance was $248.46
$33 deposits (2018 dues paid for several members)
January balance is $281.46
Housing Committee Report (Lesley Wilson)
Real-estate activity report was made available.
Q: What is the status of vacant house on 7230 Emilee?
A: When resident died it went into probate which can take years to resolve.
Q: Concern about 7408 Canterbury. Multiple problems including cars parked in lawn, the possible stealing electricity, large bon fires in back yard.
A: Matt Sisul suggests contacting the property owner. Matt will also contact City’s problem property division.
ENA Officer Elections (Matthew Sisul)
Communications Officer
Matt Sisul nominated Brett Evans to be the ENA Communications Director, Neal Gilb seconded. Brett accepted the nomination and will serve as the new communication director for 2017-2019, as approved unanimously
New Business
Block Captains – anyone interested in serving their block are encouraged to contact Matt Sisul
2018 Dues – reminder that 2018 dues are due starting January 1.
2018 Neighborhood Cleanups – working on a 2018 schedule; suggestions for areas welcomed; more information to be provided at future meetings.
GRG would like to know when the scheduled clean-ups will take place and is offering assistance with publicity & volunteers
Volunteers needed to help watering of the new pollinator garden at the end of Ellendale Ave at SW Ave. Contact Matt Sisul for signup.
Motion to adjourn – Charlie White; seconded by Irene Smith. Meeting adjourned at 8:03.