Neighborhood Meeting — Monday, September 11, 2017
The next meeting of the Ellendale Neighborhood Association will be Monday, September 11, 2017, 7:00 p.m. at Abbott EMS (2500 Abbott Place).
Topics for the meeting include:
Recap previous meeting minutes and discussions
Updates/reports from City representatives, ENA Officers, and Committees
All five ENA Officer positions are coming up for re-election. Any resident interested in nominating themselves or others should plan to attend this meeting.
Please note, the current President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary are all willing to be re-elected, however, the Communications Officer position is being vacated and we need a new resident to step up and fill the position. If you think you are interested and have any questions about the position, please contact Angela Sebben.
Here are the descriptions of the ENA Officer positions as they appear in the Bylaws. To view the Ellendale Neighborhood Association Bylaws, click here.
President — It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of the Association. He/she is also charged with appointing a chairperson for all standing and special committees, acting on all questions of order, voting only in the event of a tie, and conducting all the business of the Association in the best interest of its members. He/she shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of all committees. Vice President — The vice president shall act on behalf of the president and the Association in the absence or disability of the president, and when assuming such duties shall have the same powers as herein set out for the president. It shall be the further duty of the Vice President to serve in such capacities as may be designated by the president. He/she shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of all committees. Treasurer — It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies. He/she will keep a proper record of all funds in a book suitable for that purpose. The Treasurer shall keep a proper record of all money received or spent, and present said books for inspection when directed by the President. In addition, he/she shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts, and pay all bills as directed by the Association. He/she shall deposit the funds of the Association in an account at a proper depository institution designated by the members in the name of the Association. All expenditures shall be drawn on the account and co-signed by the president. Secretary — The secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the meetings of the Association. He/she will maintain a roster of the names and addresses of the members in good standing; and interested parties/stakeholders who need to be informed of the Associations actions. The secretary will also correspond with others on behalf of the president and/or Association, as directed. Communications Officer – It shall be the duty of the Communications Officer to aggregate information from various St. Louis City departments and civic leaders and distribute the pertinent information to the Association and Neighborhood via common communication routes. It shall also be the Communications Officer’s duty to make a good faith effort to notify all members in good standing (as in Article III, Section 3) of all regular meetings and special meetings. The Communications Officer will also maintain any social media outlets the Association feels it should utilize and will register login information for each with the Secretary.
Additional Information
Membership dues: $6 per adult per household. $24 per business. Dues help fund upcoming association activities. Dues are not required for general meeting attendance, but member’s dues must be current in order to vote on major issues.
To stay informed of future meetings and other events, please email the officers using the form on the Contact page. You will be added to the Ellendale Email List.
Association meetings are held at Abbott EMS on the 2nd Monday of every other month. Future Ellendale Association meetings are schedule for November 13, 2017, and January 15, 2017.
Click here to view meeting flyer.