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Ellendale Meeting Notes for January 11, 2016

A PDF of the meeting notes can be downloaded by clicking here.


Location: Abbott EMS, 2500 Abbott Place, St. Louis, Missouri

Matt Sisul, President called meeting to order at 7:03pm.

  • Review of 11/09/2015 meeting minutes. Correction to first page, under Ald. Ogilvie and 24th Ward Issues: The first bullet point should read O-K Used Cars location (6900 Noonan). Minutes were approved with above correction.

  • Board will now provide blank printouts at meetings for people to write questions, comments and concerns for the board to read and respond.

Alderman Scott Ogilvie

  • • City Hall update

  • Important election on April 5th

  • On the ballet will be a vote on continuation of City earnings tax. Ald. Ogilvie recommends supporting stating that 32% of City’s budget comes from this tax.

  • Also on ballet will be a 25 million dollar bond issue leveling city tax rates for one year. If not approved, tax rate will drop slightly but will negatively affect money for trash & recycling trucks, fire trucks, and other City services.

  • Ald. Ogilvie is also working on a short, city funded, bike trail roughly 8 to10 feet wide, to connect the Great Rivers Greenway Bike trail (completed in 2017?), from Canterbury Ave. North to Southwest Ave on the West side of McCausland. Will e-mail map to ENA board for reference purposes.

  • Ald. Ogilvie opened the floor to questions

  • Concern: Resident concerned about patchwork on McCausland between Arsenal and SW Ave. Said that potholes still exist and that concrete fragments should be picked up.

  • Concern: Homeless camp in wooded area above Slay Park at Arsenal and McCausland.

  • President Matt S suggested park clean-up of underbrush and trash could help curb this problem. Would be great service project for ENA. Ald. Ogilvie will look into it.

  • Concern: Resident on Lanham Ave. voiced concern regarding street repairs and closing of the street for MSD construction.

  • Resident asked about city trail and its impact on his property along McCausland. Ald. Ogilvie will speak with him more when he has more details.

  • Question regarding extension of Great Rivers Bike trail along Ellendale/McCausland. Will they separate bike lanes from road?

  • Ald. Ogilvie responded saying there will be a low 2 to 3ft wall separating trail and driving lane

  • Question: When will SW open up?

  • Ald. Ogilvie was not sure but did not believe it would be open by the end of January.

  • Question: Is there a way MSD can clear sidewalks along Southwest Avenue construction to make walking more easy?

  • Ald. Ogilvie: Agreed that it is a problem and says he frequently makes contact with MSD but often things aren’t getting done.

  • Resident wanted clarification regarding issues with the way Laclede Gas replaced concrete sidewalk at 7220 Emilie. Neighbor is concerned about liability of sinking concrete.

  • Ald. Ogilvie: City repairs are planned during warmer weather season.

  • Resident asked Ald. Ogilvie to elaborate on home based businesses bill he recently passed.

  • Ald. Ogilvie said bill makes it easier to run business out of home specifically regarding permit process and fees. Short discussion continued.

Officer Don Veile, SLMPD District 2 Liaison Report

  • Theft of cars warming up unattended is the biggest issue (theft of). Neighborhood had been very quiet overall.

  • President Matt Sisul stressed to keep valuables out of site as his truck was rummaged through on Christmas day.

Joe Kaminski, owner of Joe-K Cars

Shared his concept for his proposal to build a parking lot at 6840 Bleeck Avenue for the storage of used car inventory. President Matt S explained that the property is Zoned G (for Local Commercial & Office Use). Because this proposed use would not conform to the property’s current zoning, either a variance or a conditional-use permit would need to be obtained.

  • He has been in neighborhood for 35 years.

  • Wants property for excess storage of surplus vehicles seasonably.

  • Half-acre currently vacant lot for several hundred cars, to be gated, with no lights, and no sales from site just storage.

  • Still in negotiations with current property owner. Not yet under contract.

  • Question: how much movement will occur in and out of lot? Joe: Only 6 months out of the year. Cars largely not moved October through February. March through September, maybe 20 to 30 cars a day.

  • Question: would it be paved. Joe: yes.

  • Concern: Resident believes it would bring teenagers in to steal cars. Joe: He would reinforce fence so people could not drive through.

  • Question: Will maintenance be necessary? Joe: will take care of grass, no vehicle maintenance. storage only

  • Question: Are there any city ordinance regarding fences? Ald. Ogilvie: Not aware of any requirement.

  • Question: Will cars block access to tracks in case of train emergency? Joe: not sure about that.

  • Question: When will negotiations begin: Joe, middle of month (January).

  • Question: Will cars come in solo or on transit trucks? Joe: Hasn’t thought about that but likely will be driven in solo. No transport trucks.

Item tabled for future discussion in the event a contract to purchase the property is obtained.

Doug Houser Maplewood Historian

  • 13 years: strictly Maplewood

  • 1000’s of photographs accumulated

  • He has a blog on

  • Averages 1 entry per week. Send him e-mail and he will put you on the e-mail list for his blog

  • Showed picture of original Ellendale home place and map of 1919 map from Mo Pacific showing train station. Showed pictures of Dr Cape’s house from pre 1898. Books for sale to benefit Maplewood Community Betterment Foundation.

Board Report

  • President Matt thanked all volunteers for handing out fliers announcing meetings. ENA no longer plans hand delivering of fliers. Please contact the board if you would like to future notifications via mail, email or receive phone calls regarding future meeting dates and agendas.

  • ENA has officially reopened its bank account at Citizens National Bank. Reminder that member dues will be collected starting 2016. Would be used to order and print signs, newsletters, postage, and other necessary association business. Additional funds could be used for service projects or social events as desired by membership.

  • Reminder that annual member dues are $6 per person, $3 per person aged 65+, $24 per business

Wilkinson School Update, President Matt Sisul

  • Expressed frustration with SLPS communicating with neighborhood intentions for the school. Currently $602,000 listing price. Spoke with Walker Gaffney, Real Estate Director for SLPS about attending ENA meeting to share ideas regarding future of building

  • Interest from several people for apartments or affordable Senior Living.

  • Informed of an earlier offer that SLPS accepted, but then not acted on and is now expired.

  • Encouraged ENA to form a housing committee to represent ENA. Asked for volunteers. Suggested to collaborate between ENA meetings and report back at each meeting.

  • Question: Does 24th ward still have housing committee. Ald. Ogilvie: Yes but have not been meeting largely due to representatives moving or stepping down.

  • School is zoned A (for Single Family Residential) meaning it will require a variance to convert to multi-unit housing.

  • A few individuals volunteered to help form Housing Committee. Anyone else interested is encouraged to contact the board.

  • Question: Is school listed for sale or are they asking for development proposals. Matt S: Just listed for sale.

  • Question: If offer is accepted will contractor be required to submit a plan of development to city or neighborhood assoc.? Ald. Ogilvie: Only through zoning and incentive would the city be involved.

  • President Matt S: Encouraged others to get involved in association and recommended other potential ENA committees: streets and planning, parks and recreation (possible Easter Egg hunt).

Meeting was adjoined (8:32 p.m.)

The next Ellendale Neighborhood Association meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 7th, at 7:00pm at Abbott EMS, 2500 Abbott Place, St. Louis


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