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Ellendale Meeting Notes for July 13, 2015

A PDF of the meeting notes can be downloaded by clicking here.


Location: Abbott EMS, 2500 Abbott Place, St. Louis, Missouri

Call to Order 7:00 p.m.

Nancy Thompson from SLACO (St Louis Association of Community Organizations) addressed the meeting attendees and welcomed them to the meeting.

Nancy introduced Jacqi Kamp, a resident of the Neighborhood.

Jacqi recapped how we got to this point — how she wanted to get involved in the neighborhood and ended up attending the past Association’s last meeting (in February 2015) as they were dissolving. So she was put in touch with Nancy at SLACO who gave her some information, she made flyers and she passed out an initial set of 200 to some of Ellendale giving notice of a meeting in May 2015 to discuss trying to restart the Association. About 30 or so people attended that meeting (at the Piccadilly Restaurant), and from that meeting a committee of about ten residents was formed to explore the possibilities of revitalizing the Ellendale Neighborhood Association (ENA).

Jacqi then introduced Matt Sisul, a resident of the Neighborhood and a member of the Organization Committee.

Matt proceeded to address the meeting regarding the main points that he Committee found to support its recommendation to continue the ENA.

  1. For the distribution of communication to the Neighborhood. There is a start already on, we have started a Facebook group page for the Ellendale Neighborhood, and there has been discussion of also starting a Twitter account. We will be collecting email addresses and plan to be able to communicated through email blasts. The information we’d like to communicate is anything regarding the neighborhood, information from our Alderman, street closure notifications, announcements from the City that directly effect our Neighborhood. But also face-to-face communication with our neighbors. The Association meetings would serve as a forum to voice our concerns and have healthy debates with face-to-face dialog.

  2. For having representation at other civic levels. Organizing and maintaining the Neighborhood Association allows us to have a community voice with our civic representatives, like our Alderman, and other entities — a voice that can share our thoughts and opinions in matters that directly affect our Neighborhood.

  3. Gives us an opportunity to collaborate with other organizations within the 24th Ward (of which we are a part of). Examples of these organizations include the St. Louis Housing Corporation (whose meetings are necessarily open to the public, but are to representatives of Neighborhood Associations) and Ward meeting with organization representative.

  4. To socialize. To get to know your neighbors and not always just get together to talk about the bad stuff. Together to enjoy your neighbors and enjoy our Neighborhood.

Matt summarized that the Organization Committee recommends the reorganization of the ENA.

Nancy took the floor again to review the recommended bylaws (of which copies were passed out to meeting attendees). While the bylaws were being passed out, Nancy asked the members of the Organization Committee in attendance to raise their hands to identify who they were.

Nancy just went over the high points as attendees read though the bylaws themselves. Points that were highlighted included:

  • Maintaining the existing organization name and boundaries.

  • Meeting are called by the Executive Officers, but can also be called by at least five members.

  • To get anything done/approved you need a quorum of at least 9 voting members.

  • These bylaws call for just Executive Offices and not a Board of Directors. The Officers will be President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and a Communications Officer (new position).

  • The Officers will have standard duties.

  • The terms for the President, Vice President, and Secretary will be 12 months; the terms for Treasurer and Communications Officers (due to their more technical duties) will be 24 months.

  • You can have committees — standing and special.

  • Dues and Assessments: Dues for adults (18-65) will be $6; for adults (65+) will be $3; and for business will be $24. No restriction on adults per household.

  • Dues will not be collected until after the first election to elect the new officers. Then, member dues will be collected after that and only dues-paying members can vote in future elections.

  • The bylaws can be amended, but notice of changes must be at least 10 days prior to vote.

  • Bylaws need to be reviewed every four years.

  • The organization can be dissolved.

Nancy commented that these bylaws are simple and elegant, not too heavy and provide a descent structure.

Nancy opened the floor to questions.

Question: Where do the dues go?

Discussion: Dues go to things like paper for flyers and general supplies like that, however, typically it takes two Officers to release money to pay or reimburse anyone.

Matt added that the Treasurer also typical gives a report at each meeting so there is transparency in the keeping of the funds.

Question: What was the old Association’s budget?

Discussion: Judy Holstein stated that there never really was a budget. She also mentioned there still may be money in the bank from the previous Association.

A small discussion erupted regarding this and Judy and Matt were going to contact previous members to verify this as it was thought that the previous Association money had been donated away when the old Association dissolved. Though is was also brought to light that due to a lack of a quorum of voting members per the bylaws, the old Association wasn’t completely dissolved.

Question: How long had the old Association been inactive?

Discussion: The old Association dissolved (kind of) in February/March of 2015, however, registration had not been filed with the state for approximately three years.

Further discussion mentioned that Missouri incorporation is a $25 fee, and then there is a renewal few each year. To register with the state as a 501c3 organization (which allows donators to deduct donations from their taxes) costs approximately $400 per year (if you wanted to go that route) and then there is an annual renewal fee and verify the organization meets the 501c3 qualifications. Nancy stated most organizations get by with a postcard notification to the state.

Someone asked if we had to do that, and was answered no, that is something the organization can determine if it wants to do that later.

Statement: Martin Fischer stated some information about the history of the Ellendale Neighborhood Association. It began in the 1930s — which is a lot older than most of the Associations in the City. He stated the ENA has a rich history and would love to see it continue.

Statement: Judy stated that the previous Association found that to the large amount of rental properties in the Neighborhood, that renters didn’t see much use for the Association.

Question: So what happens next?

Discussion: Nancy led the discussion about the plans for the upcoming meetings.

The Committee thought that meeting should be held the second Monday of every other month except in the beginning. The Committee felt that the next meeting should be held in August (August 10 at 7 p.m.) and would be a good way to meet-and-greet neighbors — to get to know one another and have casual dialog amongst attendees.

Lloyd Henry, from Abbott EMS, agreed that the ENA could continue to use the facility for meetings. Everyone thanks Lloyd for his hospitality.

Then the next meeting would be held in September where the attendees would nominate and elect the new Executive Officers. After that, meetings would begin their every other month rotation: November, January, March, May, July, etc.

Nancy asked the group if all of this sounded reasonable. A lot of “yahs” and head nodding was seen and heard from the meeting attendants.

Statement: Judy pointed out that in the past Mondays were a difficult for the NSO (Neighborhood Stabilization Officer) to attend. The group recognized that, but still agreed on the Monday schedule for now.

Nancy thanked everyone for coming to the meeting and hoped to see everyone again in August.

Meeting dissolved about 7:35 p.m.

Members of the Organization Committee are (alphabetically):

  • Anne Banister

  • Jane Gallagher

  • Irene Jones

  • Jacqi Kamp

  • Nathaniel Kamp

  • Barry Marquart

  • Jenise Nea

  • Joe Nea

  • Angela Sebben

  • Matt Sisul

  • Lesley Wilson

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